Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Lots of random from the past week or so.....

This seems like a good idea right Mom?? She's a monkey just like her brother!!

Lance's first basketball practice!! He was very excited!!

Lilly's first AR assembly was last week. She got in the 25 and 50 point club!!! They don't do AR in kindergarten, but they have different goals. He had to recognize all his letters and sounds to get his AR shirt and he did!!!

I got Lance's football down and Lindley loves it!! It's the first riding toy she's had any interest in!!

Friday was Lilly's Veteran's Day program. She was Betsy Ross!! She spoke with about 6 other kids. Each class sang a song it was very cute!! She was so excited and did a great job!!

Someone is rotten...I don't think I need to explain anymore than that....

I decided to make French toast on Sunday morning. I haven't made it in years cause the last time I did the kids were less than impressed. However, they LOVE French toast sticks and can go through a box in less than a week. Well...they were a hit this time!!! I even froze a couple to see how they would turn out and Lilly ate them this morning for breakfast!! YUMMY!!

These two....if she's not picking at him...he is picking at her, but once in awhile....they can play together. He really wanted to just build Chik-Fil-A but she was "helping" and he was said she was doing "a terrible job, just stacking the blocks", but he finally gave in and let her help!! She loves her some "Bubba"

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