Thursday, July 26, 2012

What a trip!

Well, we survived our first road trip as a family of 5. All in all I think it went great! We rented an SUV so that we would have plenty of room which made the kids so happy (us too). We left about 6:45 Thursday morning which was a little bit later than planned. The big kids did great. I honestly can't complain they are very good travelers. Lindley did great too. We had to stop one time mid-morning because she was fussing. I fed her and then she did great the rest of the trip.We made it in 12 hours. I had thought it would be 13 or 14 so I was pleased!
We had a very busy 4 days, but got to visit with lots of friends and family. I yet again forgot to take pictures. I'm not quite sure why I never can remember that when we travel home. I guess I am just too excited to worry about that. I have a few from my phone I will post.
The trip home was about the same. Lance got antsy the last couple of hours and asked more frequently when we would be home, but still not bad. We made the trip home in a little over 11 hours!!
Thanks to everyone that came to see us, arranged or had something at their house so family could gather. It means a lot to us that you take time out of your schedule to visit and meet Lindley. We would love to have visitors so come on down anytime!!

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