Thursday, July 12, 2012

4 months!!

Lindley is 4 months today!!! She had her check up and got two shots. She cried but not too bad. She weighs 13 lbs and is 25 inches. Apparently, she is gonna be long and lean!!

I really thought when I posted this I put an update about her, but I'm not sure what happened there. Anyway, she is still very laid back and super happy. She loves her brother and sister and lights up when they are near her. She is very tolerant of them being in her face and Lilly treating her like a baby doll. She actually really likes any little kid but of course they are her favorite. She is basically sleeping through the night, although we have had a few night here and there where she has been up. She LOVES her feet and when I get her up in the morning her sleeper feet are wet from her putting them in her mouth. I pretty sure she is teething and won't be surprised if a tooth pops up soon. She hasn't rolled over from her back to her belly again, but has from her belly to her back several times. She is doing great with tummy time and will sometimes stay on her belly for 10 minutes at a time. Usually when she does this she scoots herself backwards or spins around. Once she figures out crawling she will be constant like Lance. She is a very busy body!! She is almost constantly moving her legs. In fact at night when I feed her while she sleeps she will kick her legs like she is going somewhere! She also LOVES to grab. If it gets close to her she will reach for it. When she is eating I have to hold her hand or she will constantly grab at my shirt. She gets sing songy when she is sleepy will sing to you to let you know to put her to bed. For the most part she doesn't cry. If she does cry it is usually because she is hungry and she is quickly calmed when fed. She will occasionally get overtired and it takes a bit to get her calmed and a asleep but generally she's out quickly. I am loving watching the big ones interact with her and I can't believe the joy she has brought to our family!!

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