Thursday, July 26, 2012

Aunt Kay

This woman is so amazing. 90 years old and the minute she opens the door she knows who I am and asked if I have heard from my parents & aunts/uncles traveling to Florida! It amazes me how sharp she is. She remembers everything.
We had a good visit. Lance got bored and was ready to leave (notice his face). However, Lilly did great and even talked to Aunt Kay. She gave them each a nutcracker so now they have another "special". She told us a few stories and was in good spirits. She says she is well taken care of and very lucky to have such a great family. I showed Lilly all the pictures she has up. She enjoyed looking at the ones of me and Cam when we were younger. She also saw a picture of my mom and said it looked like me! All in all it was a great day and I so glad we were able to go spend some time with her. She of course said Lindley was perfect!

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