Thursday, July 12, 2012


The theme of Lilly's cheer camp was Thriller. She had a big day (movies & hanging out w/Mammaw & Kayla). She literally got home in time to change and leave so she was tired. However, she still did GREAT!!! They got to dress 80's so we got her a romper and gave her some big hair!!
This is her "monster" pose!! She's ready to go!!

They did several cheers and then the dance. A couple of them are ones I did many year ago!! It's crazy how cheers just last forever!!

"We've got the spirit and the spirit we've got!"

"Our team is dynamite"

"Let's get a little bit rowdy"

"Stomp and shake it"
"We want a touchdown"

"Let's Go, Let's Go"

My camera card got full so it just cuts off, but it was only a few more seconds. I wish you could hear the music better. You'll notice she is watching the girls to her right. There was a coach right in front of her. We thought she didn't realize, but when we asked her it was because the "big" girls were over there and she wanted to watch them!! How cute!! She really got into it several times with her little shoulders going! The part where she got down on her knees was changed because the girls were having trouble with it, but because Lilly and her partner listened and did so good the coach came up to her before and told them to go ahead and do it as they originally planned!! We went to Subway for dinner then to Cold Snap for ice cream to celebrate how great she did! When we got home she wanted to do some cheers for me in the driveway. She knows all the motions, but doesn't always remember the words. She also did the dance for me!! Jeff's schedule got changed so he was off and got to go. He was so excited that he got to go and see her. We are SO PROUD of her!! I can't wait for the season to begin!!

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