Thursday, July 26, 2012

Cousins, cousins, cousins!!

Miss Molly showing me her shades!

What a handsome boy! He wouldn't smile for me!

Last time we did a picture in Max's crib. Since Lindley came along we thought we better get another one. We were worried they would break the crib, but luckily they didn't!

These kiddos were so happy to have time to play together!

Trouble!!! You can see it in their faces!! They were so funny listening to the music on Lilly's ipod and being all grown up. Can't believe they are almost 7!!!!!!!!!

It was so good to get to spend time with family and friends. Thank you to everyone who came out, arranged or had us over so we could visit. It means so much to us that you all got to meet Lindley and the kids got to play. We would love to have company so please visit us anytime. Remember the beach is only 45 minutes!!

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