Saturday, July 28, 2012


So my crazy kids decided that it would be a good idea for Lilly to teach Lance how to ride a bike without training wheels the other day! I was on a work call and noticed Lance getting on. I went out and told them to stop. Assuming they listened I didn't bother to check again. The next thing I know they are running in telling me that he can ride a bike! Once I got off the phone I had to check it out!

Sure enough...he can do it. He had some trouble on Lilly's bike because her seat is taller. Jeff took his training wheels off when he got home and he is doing great!!!

I told them that was pretty dangerous considering Lance didn't even have his helmet on! Crazy kids!!

I can't believe he is big enough to ride on two wheels. He was saying "I can ride a two wheel bike" "I'm awesome" "I'm cool" you can see he is modest too ;-)


Miss Lindley enjoyed her cereal tonight!

Look at that face!!!

Teething or what???

Summer Olympics!!

We have been anxiously awaiting the Olympics! I saw in magazine about doing a family fun Olympics and told the kids we would do it. Not thinking it would fall right after our I was somewhat unprepared but we have been able to pull it together. We were going to do our own opening ceremonies last night but they were super tired and I was too (Lindley hasn't slept well since we got home). We did finish out rings and make an festive cake. Today we finished our torches. We will start our events probably tomorrow!!
Painting our rings!~

She takes her time!

They are saying "Go USA"!


Ready for the games to begin!!

They have been pretty cranky this week since we got home. Hopefully everyone sleeps good tonight and we can have fun tomorrow w/some of our "events"!!
Wish us luck!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Lindley is teething so I thought I would offer her a paci when she was having trouble taking a nap yesterday. She actually took. She didn't leave it in long, but it here is proof she did take one at least for a few minutes!!

Swimming Fun!

We finally made it to the local pool here. Last summer with the pool at the apartment we just never got there and this year between us being gone and then staying busy with other stuff we hadn't made. I'm so glad we went!! It is very nice and not too crowded at all. We had a good afternoon.
CHEESE!! There are three pools. This one is shallow and where we spent most of the time. There is one inside and then another one outside that goes to 5 feet.

He is so handsome!

She swam for a bit then needed to rest!! She LOVES the water!!

Hanging poolside after another quick swim!!

Hats off to the bull!

Jeff and Lance apparently sing this song out in the garage and Lance requested while we were gone. Jeff got it so we had to listen to it on the way home. I love how he gets into it! So cute!

I guess all that singing wore him out!! This is in the home stretch...poor kid!

Sink Bath

Lindley got to have her first sink bath at Grandma's and she enjoyed it!

She is such a water baby I don't think it would matter where she was at!!
Such a happy girl!

Cousins, cousins, cousins!!

Miss Molly showing me her shades!

What a handsome boy! He wouldn't smile for me!

Last time we did a picture in Max's crib. Since Lindley came along we thought we better get another one. We were worried they would break the crib, but luckily they didn't!

These kiddos were so happy to have time to play together!

Trouble!!! You can see it in their faces!! They were so funny listening to the music on Lilly's ipod and being all grown up. Can't believe they are almost 7!!!!!!!!!

It was so good to get to spend time with family and friends. Thank you to everyone who came out, arranged or had us over so we could visit. It means so much to us that you all got to meet Lindley and the kids got to play. We would love to have company so please visit us anytime. Remember the beach is only 45 minutes!!

Aunt Kay

This woman is so amazing. 90 years old and the minute she opens the door she knows who I am and asked if I have heard from my parents & aunts/uncles traveling to Florida! It amazes me how sharp she is. She remembers everything.
We had a good visit. Lance got bored and was ready to leave (notice his face). However, Lilly did great and even talked to Aunt Kay. She gave them each a nutcracker so now they have another "special". She told us a few stories and was in good spirits. She says she is well taken care of and very lucky to have such a great family. I showed Lilly all the pictures she has up. She enjoyed looking at the ones of me and Cam when we were younger. She also saw a picture of my mom and said it looked like me! All in all it was a great day and I so glad we were able to go spend some time with her. She of course said Lindley was perfect!

What a trip!

Well, we survived our first road trip as a family of 5. All in all I think it went great! We rented an SUV so that we would have plenty of room which made the kids so happy (us too). We left about 6:45 Thursday morning which was a little bit later than planned. The big kids did great. I honestly can't complain they are very good travelers. Lindley did great too. We had to stop one time mid-morning because she was fussing. I fed her and then she did great the rest of the trip.We made it in 12 hours. I had thought it would be 13 or 14 so I was pleased!
We had a very busy 4 days, but got to visit with lots of friends and family. I yet again forgot to take pictures. I'm not quite sure why I never can remember that when we travel home. I guess I am just too excited to worry about that. I have a few from my phone I will post.
The trip home was about the same. Lance got antsy the last couple of hours and asked more frequently when we would be home, but still not bad. We made the trip home in a little over 11 hours!!
Thanks to everyone that came to see us, arranged or had something at their house so family could gather. It means a lot to us that you take time out of your schedule to visit and meet Lindley. We would love to have visitors so come on down anytime!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Two sleeps!

We are planning to hit the road early Thursday morning!! We are getting very excited to see everyone and introduce them to Lindley!!

Bath tub baby!

Lindley loves water and really enjoys bath time. Tonight I had to wake her up from a short power nap to get her in the tub. She was kinda chilled and really enjoyed chewing on the washcloth.

This is a top view....look how twisted she is.

Just chillaxin'


Yummy washcloth! You notice she is getting some peach fuzz on her head!

Starting to get excited. Check out that water moving!

hmm....what now!

So glad she likes bathtime!!

My boy Lance...

I love my little man for MANY reasons. He has a great personality and can ALWAYS make me laugh, he gives the best hugs and has a very kind heart. However, sometimes he drives me bonkers!! He has a tendency (like all males or at least his Daddy) to lose things. We have learned his tendency and can usually find the missing object by searching the "spots". This time he through a new one at me. His Vtech tablet has been missing from probably two or three weeks. When I cleaned his room out a couple of weeks ago I couldn't find it. I thought maybe it got left in Lilly's room, but couldn't find it there. I checked all purses and bags and even unlikely places like between his mattress. I wasn't concerned it was lost because I remembered the last time he had it so I knew it was here somehwhere. However, I wanted to get it together for the trip to Indiana and it was driving me crazy. Jeff searched the couches and a few other places and still nothing. So I go to start packing the other day and get the suitcases out. Guess what I find?? Lance's tablet in the pocket of the suitcase!!! When we got back from Florida they played with them and when they brought them back to my room I just put them away and didn't check it. His dry erase board was in there too, which I knew was missing too but wasn't as concerned about.

The tablet is in the pocket at the top! Silly boy~

We had to put his bedrail back on his bed because I went to check on him and found this. He has fallen out several times lately. I guess maybe because I turned his bed. Anyway, I guess he decided it didn't matter and just stayed there!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

4 months!!

Lindley is 4 months today!!! She had her check up and got two shots. She cried but not too bad. She weighs 13 lbs and is 25 inches. Apparently, she is gonna be long and lean!!

I really thought when I posted this I put an update about her, but I'm not sure what happened there. Anyway, she is still very laid back and super happy. She loves her brother and sister and lights up when they are near her. She is very tolerant of them being in her face and Lilly treating her like a baby doll. She actually really likes any little kid but of course they are her favorite. She is basically sleeping through the night, although we have had a few night here and there where she has been up. She LOVES her feet and when I get her up in the morning her sleeper feet are wet from her putting them in her mouth. I pretty sure she is teething and won't be surprised if a tooth pops up soon. She hasn't rolled over from her back to her belly again, but has from her belly to her back several times. She is doing great with tummy time and will sometimes stay on her belly for 10 minutes at a time. Usually when she does this she scoots herself backwards or spins around. Once she figures out crawling she will be constant like Lance. She is a very busy body!! She is almost constantly moving her legs. In fact at night when I feed her while she sleeps she will kick her legs like she is going somewhere! She also LOVES to grab. If it gets close to her she will reach for it. When she is eating I have to hold her hand or she will constantly grab at my shirt. She gets sing songy when she is sleepy will sing to you to let you know to put her to bed. For the most part she doesn't cry. If she does cry it is usually because she is hungry and she is quickly calmed when fed. She will occasionally get overtired and it takes a bit to get her calmed and a asleep but generally she's out quickly. I am loving watching the big ones interact with her and I can't believe the joy she has brought to our family!!

Cold snap!

Celebrating Lilly's great performance!!


The theme of Lilly's cheer camp was Thriller. She had a big day (movies & hanging out w/Mammaw & Kayla). She literally got home in time to change and leave so she was tired. However, she still did GREAT!!! They got to dress 80's so we got her a romper and gave her some big hair!!
This is her "monster" pose!! She's ready to go!!

They did several cheers and then the dance. A couple of them are ones I did many year ago!! It's crazy how cheers just last forever!!

"We've got the spirit and the spirit we've got!"

"Our team is dynamite"

"Let's get a little bit rowdy"

"Stomp and shake it"
"We want a touchdown"

"Let's Go, Let's Go"

My camera card got full so it just cuts off, but it was only a few more seconds. I wish you could hear the music better. You'll notice she is watching the girls to her right. There was a coach right in front of her. We thought she didn't realize, but when we asked her it was because the "big" girls were over there and she wanted to watch them!! How cute!! She really got into it several times with her little shoulders going! The part where she got down on her knees was changed because the girls were having trouble with it, but because Lilly and her partner listened and did so good the coach came up to her before and told them to go ahead and do it as they originally planned!! We went to Subway for dinner then to Cold Snap for ice cream to celebrate how great she did! When we got home she wanted to do some cheers for me in the driveway. She knows all the motions, but doesn't always remember the words. She also did the dance for me!! Jeff's schedule got changed so he was off and got to go. He was so excited that he got to go and see her. We are SO PROUD of her!! I can't wait for the season to begin!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lego boy!

I cleaned out Lance's room the other day and moved his train table into the middle of his room. I also reminded him he could use it for other things such as legos. BEST IDEA EVER!!!
Hard at work

Almost got it

So handsome!!

LOOK WHAT HE MADE!!! A trailer to haul the vehicles Lilly made earlier. Since he put them out on that table he has spent hours working in there by himself or with Lilly!
Did I mention that the girls at Little Gym called him a little Matthew McCaonaughey?? That's what I need a little Magic Lance!!

New Toy

The same night we gave her cereal we got her a new toy! It was a big night!! She really likes being up some it was time to get her something she could stand and play in!
Check out the drool..


Oh boy this is gonna be fun!

First Cereal!

I decided to go ahead and try Lindley out with some rice cereal. She hadn't been very interested in nursing and was watching us eat our food very closely. She loved it!! Never turned her head or pierced her lips closed. She was open and ready to try it!!
What's going on here...

hmmm.....very interesting

I think I like it!


More out than in!

Pretty girl!

I almost forgot to mention that when I bought it Lilly was panicking telling me that Lindley wasn't big enough! Then when I started making it she was in a panic again. She didn't understand how thin it would be. Such a good big sister looking out for her!

They watched part of a movie together. Can you tell that Lilly is completely in love with her??

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Again, in the only way I can get video is if she can't she the camera. Getting lots of giggles now!!


Lance has been going to a camp at Little Gym this week. Hip-hop karate chop! He is loving it!! Today they made this headband!

Sucking on my toe!


Silly girl!

Everytime I put Lindley in her bumbo seat she ends up turning all crazy, then gets mad cause she's stuck!! Silly girl!
I'm just trying to get my ring...


See I can reach it....

Totally worth it!

I moved her closer and then she just pulled them all on top of her!!

Can you tell who dressed them today?? Lilly got dressed and when it was time for me to dress Lindley she ran i ran in and grabbed hers!

Good grieft they look just alike!!
Both beautiful!!!