Thursday, March 1, 2012

What a day!!

I woke up not feeling great (headache, throat etc). Jeff took Lilly to school and I laid back down. It was one of those days I really didn't want to get out of bed. However, Lance had a dentist appt so I had to get up.

The good news is Lance has no cavities. However, he has to have a tooth pulled. There is a story behind it so bare with me. About 3-4 weeks ago Lance and Mom were playing around and he ended up hitting his mouth on Mom's chest. It was a hard hit and scared my mom. She thought he knocked a tooth out, but he was fine. She was sore for days after and he never complained. We all looked at it several times and never saw anything.

Then about a week and a half ago Lance started complaining that his teeth hurt. I looked at them again and saw nothing. This went on for a few days. Finally I lifted his gum and saw what I thought was a canker sore. So we treated him with advil and didn't think anymore about it. He may have complained one or two more times, but I knew he had a dentist appt coming up so I didn't think too much about it.

So today when the dentist comes to check him he is going on about how good his teeth look & I am telling him the story. Asking if the canker sore could have made him think his teeth were hurting etc. He agreed that was probably the problem. Until he lifted his gum. He immediately said, "That's not a canker sore, that's infection". WHAT???

I thought it was gone because he hadn't said anything else about it. Apparently he was just dealing with the pain. So he took an x-ray and sure enough the tooth was damaged and has to come out. Needless to say, I felt terrible, but the dentist said that the only reason he knew it was infection was because he knew what he was looking at. He did his best to make me feel better, but I still feel guilty. I know the end result would be the same, just hate that he has been in pain.

Right now Lance is excited because he gets to have a missing tooth, little does he know that it's gonna hurt :(
Then when I go to leave the lady in the office tells me my dental insurance is different (news to me) and I end up having to pay for the appt. and stressing over why our insurance changed & we know nothing about it. Turns out she didn't know what she was talking about & our insurance is the same. THANKS LADY!!

To top it off we haven't closed on the house yet and was getting very frustrated that we hadn't gotten a set day/time for it.

However, things did improve. Trish arrived!!! WHOHOO!! Although I haven't got to see her because I had to work. Plus, on my way home Jeff called and said we are closing tomorrow at 11!!! WHOHOO!! So despite the fact my son is going to be toothless in all his first pics as a "big brother" and for his 4th bay it turned out to be an ok day!!

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