Thursday, March 15, 2012

~Welcome Lindley Claire!

Heading to the hospital..
39 weeks and 5 days....but who's counting....

We got to the hospital at 4:30 am on Monday, March 12th 2012. They got me admitted and started on the medicine by 5am. I napped and relaxed, had a few contractions, but nothing big. The kept upping my medicine and the dr came in around 8:30 and broke my water. Contractions got more intense and closer together immediately. Good thing I requested my epidural when she broke my water. Had the epidural in by 9am and was feeling good!! Nurse checked me at 10am and I hadn't really progressed anymore, still at 4cm. Mom and Trish were there and we were just talking and hanging out.
Around 10:30 the nurse came in and said she wanted to check me because the monitor was talking to her. She did and I was 10cm!!
She called for the doctor and they started prepping for delivery. A few minutes later she told me to push and I gave a couple of good pushes. The dr arrived and the nurse told me to push again. About half-way through the dr told me to stop pushing!! Then told me to hold on....everyone in the room was running around trying to get gloves on and get stuff ready. The next thing I hear from the dr is "well hello there pretty girl" (she was half-way out and no one was there to catch her). Finally the dr got her gloves on and I pushed one more time and there she was!! She let out a big cry (the only of our kids to do that) then didn't make another peep!!

She weighed 8lbs, 1oz and was 20.5 inches long!!

She immediately started sucking her fingers!

First photo w/mommy & daddy

Love at first sight!!

Pretty girl!

Look at that tongue!

Daddy's girl already!!

It was a quick and easy delivery. I have had very little pain and Ms. Lindley is perfect. They did an ECHO and X-ray of her chest while at  the hospital. Her heart looks great, but is on the incorrect side. However, there are no issues w/that. Just an isolated thing. However, her ribs on the left side are a little smaller than the ribs on the right causing somewhat of a dip. The doctor said it is just a cosmetic thing and we will watch it as she grows.
We feel very lucky & very blessed to have our newest addition finally here!!

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