Sunday, March 4, 2012

Patiently waiting.

We did not close on the house last week. We drove there and were told that they were still having issues with the title work. Apparently, the company doing the work is out of PA and are refusing to do what needs to be done. We live in the last single tax colony, which means we don't own our land. We rent it. This means that there can not be a deed. Because this company isn't familiar with it they are refusing to do it. Saying there has to be a deed. At this point I honestly don't know when it will be resolved, but we are trying to be hopeful that it will happen soon.

We also clearly haven't met Ms. Lindley yet, which means we are waiting on her as well. So at this point I am just waiting on things that are totally out of my control to happen. Not the easiest thing for me.

Fingers crossed this week brings a house closing then a baby!!

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