Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lilly's fun run/walk

Lilly came home a while back telling me about a 10k & fun run. She REALLY wanted to do the 10k (they pumped them up about it at school). Anyway, we finally talked her into the fun run which was 2 miles. Her and Jeff walked it, but they finished!! There were several hills and she was tired (they got there early & walked around the art & craft show that is going on, plus she was up late last night), but I think she had fun. It was hard to tell because I don't think it was what she expected and of course new things can intimidate her sometimes. There is a 1-mile one next month & I think she would do better with that. We shall see if she decides to do anymore!

It is hard to see, but right behind the last in the black tank pushing the stroller Jeff is holding Lilly up (she is in black shorts). This is the starting was pretty tight!

Coming up on the finish line (idk what was on my camera)

There they go!

Tired, but proud!

Daddy's girl (he said she held his hand the whole way)!

Graycie's brothers ran it & we ran into them so they were there to cheer Lilly on at the finish line too!!

Overall, I think it was a great experience for her & I hope she continues to want to participate in them!

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