Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lots going on!!

Well, it finally happened, we closed on the house!! We moved today and thanks to a lot of hard work from Jeff, a friend of his, Mom and Trish we got most of everything moved. There is a load in the truck to unload and lots to do in the house still, but they got a lot done today!

So now we have a few days to hopefully get settled before Lindley arrives!

Also, Lance had his tooth pulled Wed morning and did great. They didn't want me to go back because they gave him gas and was worried about the baby. So Trish went back with him and she said he did AMAZING! Never cried once. So proud of him! I'll post a pic as soon as I get a chance. The tooth fairy visited and he was very happy about that. We did have a piece made for him so he isn't toothless for years (he likely won't get his adult tooth till he is close to 6), but it won't be in for a few weeks. So we get to see out toothless boy for a while.

The kids are excited about everything going on and for the most part have handled it well. They have LOVED being able to ride their bikes and scooters and go outside!!

Exhausted, but happy!!

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