Saturday, February 18, 2012

Super Siblings!

This morning I took the kids to a sibling class. As Lance put it to "learn how to be a big brother". They were both excited. It was short, but they enjoyed it. They watched a short video, practice holding a baby doll the right way, putting a diaper on and swaddling. Then we got to go up to birth center and they saw a brand new baby! They thought the belly button was weird!  When they were finished they got certificates that said "Super Sibling".
Holding the baby.

She's holding the baby, but you can't really see it.

Putting on a diaper.

He did pretty good!

This one was speedy! She's got experience!

Making sure it's nice and tight!

He swaddled her himself! I think he is ready to be a big brother!! Wish his eyes weren't closed!

Look at that face! She is already such a great big sister. I can't wait to see her with Lindley!

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