Sunday, February 5, 2012

Good weekend!

We had a busy Sat morning/afternoon (oil change, game and met w/the realtor), but then the kids went to my parents for the night & we came home, ordered pizza and watched the IU/Purdue game! Then this morning I went to the store, started taco soup and chilled until I picked the kids up around 1. We came home Lance napped and Lilly played on my computer. (She plays Reflex Math, which is part of the company I work for. It is for math fact fluency, keep in mind she isn't even learning that in school yet. However, she LOVES it. She can do her zero facts 0+1 etc...I'm hoping if I keep her on it she will know it before she ever needs to!!) After dinner they wanted to watch movies (Lilly wanted to watch alone in her room). So Lance watched one in our room and then it was bedtime!! Pretty easy day! Oh, Jeff did take them outside to ride scooters & then we drove by the house (hopefully our future house) to show Lilly.

I have a dr. appt tomorrow & I am hoping she will do an ultrasound. If she doesn't it will probably be our next visit. I'll be 35 weeks on Wed....getting closer!!

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