Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our morning started rough with each kid having a a breakdown before 8:15 this morning!! It did improve but was a low key kinda day. Lance and Jeff just chilled at the house and I did go to Lilly's party at school. Of course she got lots of goodies! Lance had his yesterday and did quite well! Mom came by and gave them their Valentine's from her (an iTunes gift card). They are very excited to pick out their own songs. We got them some Legos and a new plate & bowl. Nothing big, but they were happy. After dinner and baths they watched and movie and were in bed early (hoping for no breakdowns tomorrow)!!
She is loving Legos right now!! This set was a little bigger & she did in no time!!

He is like...bowls?? However, they HAD to use them at dinner!

He put together a police car, jail and 4-wheeler w/Jeff's help. I am pretty impressed w/his patiences to do them!

Jeff & I didn't really do Valentine's this year. We did get him a book and my gift is going to be a pedicure before Lindley gets here. Nothing too exciting, but we figured a house is gift enough!! No word yet, it will probably be a few weeks.

~Happy Valentine's Day!!

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