Sunday, February 5, 2012

Got my head all mixed up!!

I almost forgot....tonight Lance & I were discussing his birthday. I told him that tomorrow was Nora's birthday (a girl in his class) & he had the next birthday (meaning in his class). Now keep in mind he still has very little understanding of the concept of time so this conversation got very confusing & ended up going for about 10 mins. He thought I meant that the next day he went to school (meaning Wed) would be his birthday. He was very confused. I was trying to explain it, but apparently made it worse because he finally put his head down on the arm of the chair and said, "Mom why did you say that, you've got my head all mixed up!"

I felt so bad, but was also trying not to laugh in his face. I did my best to explain it (we even got the calendar out), but who knows if I got his head unmixed!!

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