Tuesday, February 28, 2012

~38 weeks & house update~

Had a dr. appt today. Everything is good, no change. We have an induction scheduled on March 12th (that was the first available day). However, if something opens up on the 8th or 9th we could go in then. Of course this is all assuming she doesn't decide to come on her own before then!!

We were supposed to close on the house in the morning, but there was a hold up SO hopefully we will close Thursday morning. IF we can close Thursday morning the plan is to move on Thursday. However, if that doesn't happen then we won't be able to move until next week because Jeff (& the guys helping us move) will have to work.

I have been packing and the kids are ready so hopefully it works out that we can move this week!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Out of the mouth of Lance

As you know we never know what Lance is going to say. It's been a while since I have posted about his funny sayings so I thought I would mention a couple of good ones he has had lately.

About a week ago on the way to school he informed me the horses looked like mooses (his language). I explained to him that I didn't think so because moose don't live in Fairhope. So he then proceeded to ask me where mooses live. "Do they live in South America?" "Do they live with penguins?" I explained that I wasn't sure. He kept going on about where mooses live. I finally had to text Jeff and find out where moose live so I could answer him!!!

Tonight we were talking about Grandma coming (only 3 sleeps) and he said, "Who is driving her?" I told him that Aunt Mary and Uncle George were going to drive her down. He said, (w/out missing a beat) "So there's gonna be two steering wheels?"

Those are just two, there are so many more. He is entertaining to say the least and can always put a smile on my face. He has the funniest, sweetest and most amazing personality! So lucky to have such a great boy!!

Our author: Lillian Wade

Last week Lilly said, "I wish I could be the author of a book." So I told her if she wanted to write a book we could do that. I had her tell me what she wanted the story to say and I wrote it out for her. Then she transferred it to her book and drew the pictures. She worked on it so hard and really took her time. She was very proud of herself and even told her teacher and friends about it (that is huge, Lilly isn't a sharer). Anyway, here is the final product. (I did the best I could, I just wanted you to have an idea).
Two things to note about the cover. 1. She wrote the letters that way on her own. She has seen me do it and now does it. 2. She said, "I forgot about illustrated by" and asked me how to spell it.

There once was a a little girl who had a mother and father and brother. Her name was Lillian.

Lillian liked the colors pink and purple. She liked to ride her scooter and bike.

Her brother liked the colors orange and blue. One day her friend came over to play.

Her name was Madison. They rode their scooters.

Then they had a snack. Then Madison had to go home.

I didn't tell her what to write. I did give her a few ideas because she said she didn't know what to write about. However, I did not correct unless something didn't make sense. This is HER story and HER pictures. VERY PROUD of her!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

The madness begins!

We found out this week that we got approved for the house and should close on Wed (this week)!!!! We are very excited, but there's a lot to do! If all goes well we will get moved BEFORE Lindley gets here. However, she may have plans of her own.....

We went and got some boxes yesterday so I could start packing. The kids "helped" tonight & I thought I might lose my mind. Let's just say they were a bit excited and my patience were a bit short. However, we survived and got quite a bit done!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Belly art...


Tonight we had the kids do painted handprints on my belly. They were very excited. Especially when I told them after we took pictures they could paint the rest of my belly. They had a blast!! I haven't done bare belly pics this time. It's never been my favorite thing (especially on baby #3), but I thought this was a cute idea and I am glad we did it.

Just the kids handprints.
Kids & Jeff.....we can't wait to get our hands on you Lindley Claire!

The fun begins!

Gotta get every spot!
My view!
The finished product!

They thought it was hilarious!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

37 weeks & family photo shoot!!

Had a dr appt today. No change, but she said that next week we can set a tentative induction date. It can't be till I'm 39 weeks though, which would be the 7th. Maybe she will come on her own.....doubtful.

We went down by the bay this afternoon and Mom took some pics of us. We always like to get pics of the baby belly & our family before we add one more!! Mom got some good ones!!

If you look closely Lance is peeking out from behind the tree!

These are just my favorites! I am happy with how they turned out! Next time we do this there will be an infant......oh boy!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bath boy!

Today after I got Lance in the bath I asked him if he was going to play for a few minutes. He said, "Yes, 52 minutes"! He actually did end up being in there about an hour. I would check on him and he would say, "I said 52 minutes"!
Busy playing

Surprised him!!

Don't take my picture!

Look at those eyelashes!

Funny face!


When he got out he said, "What's on my hands"!! He was a prune, but he was happy & clean!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Super Siblings!

This morning I took the kids to a sibling class. As Lance put it to "learn how to be a big brother". They were both excited. It was short, but they enjoyed it. They watched a short video, practice holding a baby doll the right way, putting a diaper on and swaddling. Then we got to go up to birth center and they saw a brand new baby! They thought the belly button was weird!  When they were finished they got certificates that said "Super Sibling".
Holding the baby.

She's holding the baby, but you can't really see it.

Putting on a diaper.

He did pretty good!

This one was speedy! She's got experience!

Making sure it's nice and tight!

He swaddled her himself! I think he is ready to be a big brother!! Wish his eyes weren't closed!

Look at that face! She is already such a great big sister. I can't wait to see her with Lindley!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Lilly's Mardi Gras Parade!

This morning Lilly's school had a Mardi Gras parade downtown. The kindergarten students & the top 3rd grade AR readers got to walk and the all the other students were on the sides catching. It was FUN!! Lilly had a blast!!

Lilly's class waiting for the parade to start!

Here we go!!

Very excited!!

Hmmm....who should I throw to??

Here it comes!!

She got to leave after the parade and went to hang out with my mom for awhile! They are off Monday & Tuesday so we have a long weekend!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our morning started rough with each kid having a a breakdown before 8:15 this morning!! It did improve but was a low key kinda day. Lance and Jeff just chilled at the house and I did go to Lilly's party at school. Of course she got lots of goodies! Lance had his yesterday and did quite well! Mom came by and gave them their Valentine's from her (an iTunes gift card). They are very excited to pick out their own songs. We got them some Legos and a new plate & bowl. Nothing big, but they were happy. After dinner and baths they watched and movie and were in bed early (hoping for no breakdowns tomorrow)!!
She is loving Legos right now!! This set was a little bigger & she did in no time!!

He is like...bowls?? However, they HAD to use them at dinner!

He put together a police car, jail and 4-wheeler w/Jeff's help. I am pretty impressed w/his patiences to do them!

Jeff & I didn't really do Valentine's this year. We did get him a book and my gift is going to be a pedicure before Lindley gets here. Nothing too exciting, but we figured a house is gift enough!! No word yet, it will probably be a few weeks.

~Happy Valentine's Day!!