Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We had a great trip to Indiana & a great Thanksgiving. It was so nice to see everyone & just spend time together with family & friends. I did take my camera, however the card was almost full so I only got a few pictures.
We did Thanksgiving/Christmas w/Grandma Trisha on Thursday!

Grandma w/her grandbabies!!



Lance's gift for Grandma

Lilly's gift for Grandma

Tiff had these shirts made for Black Friday. We ended up shopping all night. Coming home, taking a nap & going back out Friday afternoon! We are crazy, but had fun!!

Saturday was Christmas w/Pappaw & Julie


Lilly & Lance w/Julie

Pappaw, Lilly & Lance

Family photo....notice baby girl is growing everyday!! We go Friday for a dr. appt & get to have another ultrasound! So excited to see her again!

We got in about 6 Sunday night due & I was busy all day yesterday. It hit me today. I got the laundry done but that's about it (Thankfully, I only had a few loads because Trish insisted on doing our laundry while we were there). I napped this morning & chilled the rest of the day. Hopefully I am rested & ready to go again tomorrow!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Movie in the street

This morning I took Lilly to an orientation for cheerleading. She got to try on a uniform and learn one cheer. She seemed excited so hopefully she enjoys it!!

Then we headed to the park for a bday party. This was a party for a boy in her class. She was the only girl for awhile & went right off to play with all the boys!! Another girl from her class came & then they played, but she had no problem hanging with the boys.

We got home & relaxed for a bit. Then it was off to the movie in the street!! It is very cool they setup a giant screen & play The Polar Express. No sooner than we got there a little boy from Lilly's class (one that was at the party earlier in the day) saw her & asked her to come sit with him. So she took her chair and was gone. When we got home I asked her if it was a date & she told me no. I asked if he tried to hold her hand or kiss her & she just giggled and said no. She did tell me that he told said, "you are my best, best, best, best, best, friend"!!! How sweet is that??

The funny thing about this little boy is that when we went to the fair for Jeff's work we discovered that his dad worked at Thyssenkrupp too!! His mom & I talked during the entire party today (they just moved from Birmingham in July). Anyway, they seem very nice & it was sweet that he wanted her to sit with him.

Lance chilled with us & enjoyed having us all to himself I think!
Gingy came out just as we were walking by & Lance was so excited!! We saw him two other times. Lance just talks to him it cracks me up!

Lilly & her friend Walker! He is a cutie!


Self-portrait...cut Lance out!!

Lance took this picture of Mammaw & Pappaw!

Lance's photographer skills again!!

It was a great night!! Now we only have 3 sleeps & we are headed to Indiana. Tomorrow is laundry & start packing day!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

More decorations....

Last night we only got the tree up so this evening we worked on the other decorations. For the past few years we have let Lilly put a small tree in her room. However, now that Lance is big enough we were a tree short. Lilly has been begging for a pink tree everytime we go to the store. Big Lots had them on sale for $15 so we decided to go for it (this meant getting Lance a blue one). They had a BLAST decorating the house & then their trees. I love how exciting this time of year is for them!!
Lining up the stuffed animals!

working hard

Finding the perfect spot!

Finishing touches...

A very happy girl!!

A very happy boy!!

Here's the chimney/tree. I didn't get the shelf w/the other decorations. It kinda looks like the North Pole exploded, but that's the fun of it I guess!! I can't believe that it is November 18th and I have my tree up w/presents underneath!! CRAZY!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

No words necessary....

This is how I found Lilly when I went to check on her tonight.
There are no words to describe how precious a sleeping child is....especially when they are this beautiful and sweet!!

Light up Fairhope & The Wades

Tonight we went to Light up Fairhope, which was fun.(I didn't take my camera, but Lance got see The Gingerbread Man & Frosty!!)  Then we came home and did Light up The Wades!! We usually wait till Thanksgiving day to put up our tree, but since we will be gone & Jeff has to work when we get back we wanted to go ahead & do it. The kids had a lot of fun & the tree looks beautiful!!

The fun begins....

Gotta find just the right spot!

This looks good!

You can't tell, but Lilly is hanging her little purple bear. This is the first ornament she EVER hung on a Christmas tree, which her Daddy helped her hang. He had to do it again this year.
Of course Daddy had to hold Lance up too!

The finishing touch....

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What we've been up to...

Working on Christmas presents...

If you happen to open this be surprised!!
Working hard!!

The other night she was on the computer & he was on the Ipod....

Cracks me up.....

Little Indian Boy!

Today was Lance's Thanksgivng program. They were Indians and sang 1,2,3 Little Indians & I'm a little Indian (sang to the tune of I'm a little teapot). I have video, but it will take forever to load and I wanted to post the pics at least. He did GREAT and was ADORABLE!!
He is the last one on the right.

10 little Indian children!

Here is my arrow, here is my bow!!

Cute little Indian!

Family pic!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

8 sleeps!!

Well, we are down to 8 sleeps!! We are very excited!! Had a good weeked, got some Christmas shopping done and enjoyed some time with Lilly. Jeff & Lance went  to see Puss in Boots and spent time together. We have a busy week ahead, but looking forward to it. Lilly finished her antibiotics and her ENT appointment is Wed. morning. Hopefully, she gets a clean bill of health.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Long weekend!

Lilly got out at 11:30 today & both kids are off tomorrow for Veteran's Day. Jeff was off today & is off tomorrow so we get to just hang out & play! That is what we did this evening. A lot of nothing....the kids played & we watched TV. It was nice to just relax together. Tomorrow I do have a meeting (from home) in the morning, but after that I think Lilly & I are going to attempt Christmas shopping again. Jeff & Lance are going to the movies.
Jeff goes back to work Saturday so I'm not sure what the kids & I will do and Lance has a bday party to go to on Sunday.
Should be a fun weekend!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

16 sleeps!!

It's only 16 sleeps till we leave for Indiana! We are all VERY excited. Looking forward to seeing everyone!!

We had a good weekend even though Jeff had to work all weekend. We stayed home ALL day Saturday & I cleaned the entire house, which included rearranging the kids rooms & got all the laundry done which included all bed sheets!!! It felt good to have everything done at once...it's been awhile since that has happened.

Then today we headed out to start our Christmas shopping, but didn't have much luck. Although I did find Lance some shirts on clearance at Old Navy & can honestly say he needed some. Lilly also picked out a onesie & some sandals for baby girl!! She was so excited & wanted to buy more (they were on clearance as well). I explained that we had plenty of time to get her more clothes.

We headed to the park to play before coming home to relax for the evening.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

~21 weeks~

She is making her appearance known now!!! Been feeling her move a lot....can't wait till everyone else can too!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Lilly finished her antibiotics less than a week ago and started complaining about her throat hurting over the weekend. I decided to go ahead and call the ENT to just see what he had to say. They were able to get her this afternoon. I let her eat too much candy last nigth & she ended up waking up and getting sick. I am sure it wasn't sure the candy because she didn't eat that much. I think it was a combo of the candy & drainage. Either way she ended up not sleeping very well. I decided not to wake her up for school & just she how she felt when she got up. She ended up sleeping till 9:30 and her throat was hurting when she got up. We just kept her home & headed to the ENT this afternoon. He said he throat was red & she needed to be back on antibiotics and didn't even strep test her because he said she needed it either way. He said that her lymphnodes were not swollen. He also said based on everything I had told him about her history & the past few months it sounded like the antibiotics she was on just never fully got rid of in the first place (meaning when she had it back in early Sept). He gave her a different antibiotic & we go back in two weeks. He is going to do a strep test then. He said at that point she will have been off the meds for a few days & it should be gone. If she tests positive at that point then we will have to do some further investigating. However, he felt strongly that this antibiotic should take care it. So fingers crossed this does the trick. She is getting sick of being sick & taking meds. She has said, "Why do I keep getting sick". I was able to explain to her that the medicine she was taking didn't get all the germs & this new one should do it. Hopefully we are on the rode to being FULLY recovered!!!

Happy Halloween!!

Yesterday afternoon I went with Lillys class & we Trick-Or-Treated all  over Fairhop (again). I was worn out! Lance had a party at school and got to decorate a pumpkin. He of course came home with treats too. By the time we put the candy from this weekend and Monday in the bowl it was already full. It was perfect because we planned on just going around the complex in the evening. Not many people were handing out here I guess they had kids of their own and were out. We were home and sorting our candy by 7!! We were all happy!
My little Bumblee & Ghost Pirate

Looking for some treats...not tricks!!

I don't know what's up with Lance's face. He wasn't sad...who knows. If you look close the little pumpkin right beside Lilly says Baby & has a rattle. That's the one she did for her little sister!!

Yes, I showed them how to sort their candy!! You gotta check out our your loot to see what you ended up with!!

Family Day at the Fair!!

Jeff's work had family day Sunday at the Gulf State Fair. We got free parking, admission & unlimited free rides!!! They also had a tent setup w/food!! IT WAS GREAT!!! Jeff was able to get off tonight so after two hours of sleep he was a trooper & went w/us! We had a blast! The kids rode LOTS of rides!!


Daddy had to ride lots of rides with Lance!!

Lilly & Kayla on Dumbo!

Lance, Jeff, Kayla & Mom on the roller coaster.

Kayla & Lance on the slide!!

You can see Kayla, Lilly & Lance coming out of the obstacle course!

This was funny. These silver things slid back & forth. He stood there for a minute. We told him to walk & he said, "I can't". It cracked us up. He finally figured it out!

Nachos & hot dogs!! Yummo!

Face painting!!!

Pretty girl!!

Crazy thought...them driving mom around!!

hard to see, but Jeff, Lilly & Lance are on this.

Lilly is up there somewhere...just wanted you to see what she rode. She did so good!!!

On a side note we have also been in Alabama one year this past weekend! Hard to believe it has been that long. We have come a long way in the past year. Thanks again for everyone that helped get us to this point.