Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So after a fairly calm day things went drastically south when I went to cook dinner. A pot of boiling water fell off the stove (no one was hurt, thank goodness), I couldn't get a can of carrots open & ended up w/carrot juice all over my shirt & I realized after the fact that we had no A1 (the kids prefer it w/pork chops). However, I still managed to cook dinner & no one got injured.
Jeff wasn't home so I opted out of baths to ensure everyone's safety. (I am due for a urgent care or ER visit two of my friends have had recent injuries w/their children & that happened prior to Lance's stitches...thanks for the warning Michelle).
Anyway, the kids were actually really good all day, but while I was cleaning up dinner they were being so good. Look at them just cutting & playing. They were like this for 30 minutes or more!!

Jeff finally made it in & brought me some cookies & cream ice cream!! Just what I needed!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure you dodged the injurious catastrophe you were due for. I feel guilty saying that I guess that puts me and Beth back on the bubble! Wish us luck!!!!