Sunday, January 30, 2011

All dressed up!!

Yesterday we took the kids to the park & then went to Lambert's to eat. This is where they throw the rolls at you. We have never been before & the kids had fun. The waitress pulled a few tricks on us. She asked if Lilly if she wanted a mint. When Lilly went to open the box a mouse popped out on her hand. It was so funny! Lance wouldn't try so I did. He was sitting on my lap & screamed like a little girl. (Like ear piercing screamed)....everyone looked & was so funny~

We decided to make a trip to Sam's today. Prior to leaving the kids were playing like it was my birthday. So when I told them to get dressed Lilly informed me that she needed to dress up because it was my birthday. I explained I was wearing comfy clothes but she could wear what she wanted. So she picks out one of her nicer school outfits & then proceeds to pull down a button up shirt for Lance. I was cracking up. Here they were all dressed up & Jeff & I look like bums!!
I was trying to get a picture........

Here is such a ham......but still so stinking cute!!

All in all it was a good weekend, we just enjoyed spending time as a family & relaxing.

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