Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It's only 9:30 & Lilly has already been cracking me up. First after she argues to wear a skirt so she can be pretty cause she has to do a talent show she comes down & informs me that last night when she was watching Freaky Friday she thought about getting her ears pierced when Anna's mom did. However, she knew her Dad would say No. I told her that Daddy said that when she wanted her ears pierced he would consider it, if SHE wanted it. So I tell her this & I asked what she decided. She said, "I'm not ready, maybe when I am 6, but not now"!!!

Then she comes down & says it's burning hot in her room. She said, "Don't go up there you will burn like death"!! She said it like 4 times...I was cracking up. I think she meant "burn to death".....


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Burn like death.....seriously laughing out loud! Love it!