Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So yesterday was a bad mommy/kid day. I wasn't feeling super great & the kids were cranky. I am sure their crankiness had much to do w/mine, happens. Anyway, I always feel bad when I have days like that so I was determined to make today a better day. Lilly had school (which helps) so Lance & I stopped by wal-mart after dropping her off to pick up bread, milk & a new tote for Lilly's toys (I was planning to reorganized for like the umptenth time....your shocked I am sure).
So we get in there & are looking around we find a tote (or 3) & Lance asked me what we needed. I tell him we need bread & milk, to which he replies "and donuts". Let me fill you in.....Lance has a slight addiction to powered donuts & now that they make great value brand I don't feel as guilty about buying them. Anyway, we got a bag when we went to the store on Sunday morning & they were gone my Monday afternoon & he was upset. As we get the bread & milk I remember several other things we need & after I get each one Lance reminds me "& donuts". I am telling you he wasn't getting out of that store w/out them!! It was funny.

We went home & I reorganized the room while he watched cartoons & chilled. I wanted to keep him up until time to go get Lilly. (I usually go to mom's or have to wake him up, but I was trying to move nap back). It worked!! He did great stayed up until on the way home, but went right down when we got home & slept two hours!!

Lilly had asked to paint so after he got up I let them paint. They LOVE to do crafts/projects, but especially paint. Lilly always takes her time, but doesn't always make a picture so I encouraged her to make a picture. She painted her name & a lighthouse. Lance is just now to the point where he will actually take his time & now just slap it down. It's fun to watch them create. All in is a better day!!

1 comment:

Julie Wade said...

I'm glad you guys had a great day! I love the pics of the kids painting in their underwear and socks-someday those pics will really make them mad! :)