Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Play-doh, Pasta & Projects!!

So after taking Lilly to school Lance & I had work to do. CLEANING!!! He actually cheered about it! He was so excited to get to help me. Wouldn't it be awesome if that never changed?? (I know....not gonna happen, but a girl can dream)
Look at that grin! He has always loved to vacuum!

He really wanted to play Play-doh so while I was cleaning up in the kitchen I let him play.

Isn't he handsome??

This afternoon we had some work to do on our Valentines. They are a surprise, but you can  have a sneak peek....

I bet you hope you are one of their Valentine's....don't you??

On Wed. afternoons the campground does sort of a workshop on how to make foods from scratch. I haven't been able to attend until today. It was homemade pasta!! She had a maching that she rolled it through & then it also cut it. She made us some linguni. I can't wait to try it!!

While I was cooking dinner Lilly informed me that she had some projects she needed to work on in the hallway. She was very busy & came in once to inform me she was using stickers as glue. After dinner (which she helped me clean up) she went back to it. She was talking about kids in her class at school & said they did a good job & one was sick so couldn't do was cute. I tried to take a picture & she turned her back....little stinker!!

*Just to note....Lilly was in a particularly pleasant mood today. She has been tired & kinda moody so I was happy to have my sweet girl back!!

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