Saturday, January 4, 2014

Park & library...maybe

I decided to take the kids to the Daphne library today. We haven't been in a long time (usually go to Fairhope) and they really like it. I thought it would get us out for a bit. Well when we left I realized it wasn't as cold as I thought so I decided we would swing by the park for just a few to let them run and get some fresh air. Well awhile back my keyless entry remote broken and fell off my ring. I had been carrying it around but of course I misplaced it. So I have been either leaving it unlocked or locking all but one door. Well it was bound to happen....I locked myself out! Luckily we now have roadside assistance so I was able to call and get someone there (free). It took a bit longer than I would have liked, but the kids didn't mind and luckily it was warm enough we could be out that long. Since we had time we walked down to the water (we were right on the bay). I just love looking across the bay. Still amazed we live so close to this!!

My girls pose much better than Lance!! Isn't it beautiful??

The Daphne library was closed by the time we got done but we were able to swing by Fairhope and quickly (like in 10 minutes) grab some books! So they were at least happy about that!! I guess we will try again next weekend!!

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