Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year!

We broke from our tradition of staying in and playing games this year. We had some friends invite us over for dinner and to visit and let the kids play so we decided to stop by. We had a good time and the kids were happy!! We were home to see the ball drop (at 11). Lilly asked why we were counting down if the clock only said 11...guess that won't work too much longer!!
The couple in the middle is who had us over. That is Stephanie and Blake. (Aidan, Lance's friends parents) and the couple on left we just met but they are very nice!!

We wrangled them for a picture but don't let it fool you...they were not this calm!

Good friends!!

They had some fireworks and sparklers!! FUN!!

It was very laid back but a lot of fun! I'm glad we went! 
We had a great 2013 and are looking forward to another great year in 2014!!

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