Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Busy weekend!

The kids had a three day weekend and after the Tuesday we had I knew I needed to keep them busy so I didn't lose my mind. Jeff and I planned a Friday afternoon date so Mom picked them up and they got to play and hang out with her for awhile. Lilly ended up getting invited to stay the night with Madison. So Lance and Lindley got some Mammaw time! We just chilled Friday night and then had basketball/cheer on Saturday. I made arrangements for both Lilly and Lance to have play dates that afternoon. Lilly had a friend over and Lance ended up going to a friends house. This friend lives in the neighborhood and is in Lance's class. I had been checking-in via text because we told them they could come play here if they wanted. Well, they ended up asking for a sleepover. Lance has been asking about this quite a bit lately so I knew it was coming. Since it was right here in the neighborhood and the mom was willing I let him stay. We went and took him some clothes and visited for awhile. (They have a little girl close to Lindley's age). I got a call about 11:15......he was sound asleep, but their little girl was up sick. They didn't want Lance to get sick so we had to wake him.  :-( I ran and picked him up and he went right back to sleep. Sunday morning he was bummed that he didn't get to wake up there, but I call it a success since he was actually asleep!!! On Sunday we were outside playing enjoying the warmer weather.
 He is such a good brother.....look at him.
Let me show you.

I decided it was such a nice day we should go to the beach. SO WE DID!!

They were thrilled!! I have tried taking them in clothes and telling them not to get in. It NEVER works. So I let them wear suits assuming once they touched the frigid water they wouldn't go back. Of course I was wrong. Lance was doing cannon balls and Lilly was doing cartwheels!!! Lindley only put her toes in but still CRAZY!!

She really is a beach bum!!!

We only got to stay about an hour and a half since they got wet. Their body temp dropped and I didn't want them to get sick. We decided it was too cold for ice cream so we stopped for donuts!!

They had never been to a donut shop before and were a bit overwhelmed!!


Two out of three ain't bad!!!
It rained all day on Monday so I was SO glad we got out!!

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