Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Cold day?!?

Early last week it got unseasonably cold everywhere....even southern Alabama. My kids ended up being out of school on Tues due to the cold temperatures!! CRAZY!!!! Anyway, I had planned on getting lots of things accomplished and let's just say that didn't happen.....

I did however...make a marble race track out of a pool noodle 

 and drag in the water table from the cold and let them play in the water. Among several other things that I can't recall right now. They were very wound and my patience were very short. That made a for a long day. Needless to say I was VERY glad when I learned they were back to school on Wednesday. I have decided that I'm not sure I would survive an Indiana weather cooped up with this crew!! They like their fresh air and getting outside and SO DO I!!!!

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