Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Basketball & Cheer

Saturday was the kids first basketball and cheer game. We are lucky and Lilly cheers while Lance plays!! Whohoo!!

Cheering for the boys as they come out~

Look at him!!! He was nervous, but very excited!!

Waiting for the rebound!

Look at that jump!!

Go Lance!

Half-Time cheer!


She has grown so much!

Look at those legs!!!! The last time she cheered for basketball I was BIG pregnant with Lindley and had to entertain Lance each game. Listening to how he wanted to play (he wasn't quite 4 yet).

This time is much different! He is running up and down, making baskets, Lilly is cheering and Lindley is yelling "BUBBA"!!!

Bringing the ball in!

He started off pretty mild, but the competitor in him kicked in by the second half and he was after that ball!!
He made 6 baskets!! They both did SO good!! How exciting!!!

101 Dalmatians

There is a local children's theater that puts on plays a couple times a year. They always send home a postcard from school. Lilly has said several times that she was going to audition, but always chickens out. Well this time she did it! We talked about the fact that she may not get a part and if she did it wouldn't be big since she has no experience and she was fine with it. I didn't get to go back when she auditioned, but she sang "Your a Grand Ol' Flag"! We found out on Friday that she got a part!!!! They are doing 101 Dalmatians Jr.

She's Scottie 1 ( a scottie dog)

She had her first rehearsal last night & got her script. She has a couple lines and will sing a couple songs. She is VERY excited!! I am so proud of her for trying something new!! It's going to be a busy month and a half for her. She has cheer, 101 and tumbling for awhile. This is very unusual for her, but I think she can handle it!! The show is May 23rd & 24th.

Busy weekend!

The kids had a three day weekend and after the Tuesday we had I knew I needed to keep them busy so I didn't lose my mind. Jeff and I planned a Friday afternoon date so Mom picked them up and they got to play and hang out with her for awhile. Lilly ended up getting invited to stay the night with Madison. So Lance and Lindley got some Mammaw time! We just chilled Friday night and then had basketball/cheer on Saturday. I made arrangements for both Lilly and Lance to have play dates that afternoon. Lilly had a friend over and Lance ended up going to a friends house. This friend lives in the neighborhood and is in Lance's class. I had been checking-in via text because we told them they could come play here if they wanted. Well, they ended up asking for a sleepover. Lance has been asking about this quite a bit lately so I knew it was coming. Since it was right here in the neighborhood and the mom was willing I let him stay. We went and took him some clothes and visited for awhile. (They have a little girl close to Lindley's age). I got a call about 11:15......he was sound asleep, but their little girl was up sick. They didn't want Lance to get sick so we had to wake him.  :-( I ran and picked him up and he went right back to sleep. Sunday morning he was bummed that he didn't get to wake up there, but I call it a success since he was actually asleep!!! On Sunday we were outside playing enjoying the warmer weather.
 He is such a good brother.....look at him.
Let me show you.

I decided it was such a nice day we should go to the beach. SO WE DID!!

They were thrilled!! I have tried taking them in clothes and telling them not to get in. It NEVER works. So I let them wear suits assuming once they touched the frigid water they wouldn't go back. Of course I was wrong. Lance was doing cannon balls and Lilly was doing cartwheels!!! Lindley only put her toes in but still CRAZY!!

She really is a beach bum!!!

We only got to stay about an hour and a half since they got wet. Their body temp dropped and I didn't want them to get sick. We decided it was too cold for ice cream so we stopped for donuts!!

They had never been to a donut shop before and were a bit overwhelmed!!


Two out of three ain't bad!!!
It rained all day on Monday so I was SO glad we got out!!

Cold day?!?

Early last week it got unseasonably cold everywhere....even southern Alabama. My kids ended up being out of school on Tues due to the cold temperatures!! CRAZY!!!! Anyway, I had planned on getting lots of things accomplished and let's just say that didn't happen.....

I did however...make a marble race track out of a pool noodle 

 and drag in the water table from the cold and let them play in the water. Among several other things that I can't recall right now. They were very wound and my patience were very short. That made a for a long day. Needless to say I was VERY glad when I learned they were back to school on Wednesday. I have decided that I'm not sure I would survive an Indiana weather cooped up with this crew!! They like their fresh air and getting outside and SO DO I!!!!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Park & library...maybe

I decided to take the kids to the Daphne library today. We haven't been in a long time (usually go to Fairhope) and they really like it. I thought it would get us out for a bit. Well when we left I realized it wasn't as cold as I thought so I decided we would swing by the park for just a few to let them run and get some fresh air. Well awhile back my keyless entry remote broken and fell off my ring. I had been carrying it around but of course I misplaced it. So I have been either leaving it unlocked or locking all but one door. Well it was bound to happen....I locked myself out! Luckily we now have roadside assistance so I was able to call and get someone there (free). It took a bit longer than I would have liked, but the kids didn't mind and luckily it was warm enough we could be out that long. Since we had time we walked down to the water (we were right on the bay). I just love looking across the bay. Still amazed we live so close to this!!

My girls pose much better than Lance!! Isn't it beautiful??

The Daphne library was closed by the time we got done but we were able to swing by Fairhope and quickly (like in 10 minutes) grab some books! So they were at least happy about that!! I guess we will try again next weekend!!

Happy New Year!

We broke from our tradition of staying in and playing games this year. We had some friends invite us over for dinner and to visit and let the kids play so we decided to stop by. We had a good time and the kids were happy!! We were home to see the ball drop (at 11). Lilly asked why we were counting down if the clock only said 11...guess that won't work too much longer!!
The couple in the middle is who had us over. That is Stephanie and Blake. (Aidan, Lance's friends parents) and the couple on left we just met but they are very nice!!

We wrangled them for a picture but don't let it fool you...they were not this calm!

Good friends!!

They had some fireworks and sparklers!! FUN!!

It was very laid back but a lot of fun! I'm glad we went! 
We had a great 2013 and are looking forward to another great year in 2014!!

Ice Skating...sort of

So we decided to get the kids out of the house. I had mentioned taking them ice skating and they wanted to go so we decided to give it a shot. I knew it was synthetic ice, but I didn't really know what that meant. It was basically like plastic..but they didn't care!!
They look so professional, but they are just walking...LOL

and he is down

playing it a little safe...


This cracks me up...these pictures make them look like pros...he is just running...

No skates in her size....

She didn't mind....

What's that face about?? She just watched Bubba and Sisi have fun!

good catch!

Working together

Taking a break

She has such a natural beauty about her...


WHOOOOOOAAAAAAAA.....he got air!

racing from one side to the other

Doing the splits! (on purpose)
So cute!

Going down!


They skated for about 45 minutes and had a blast!! We had dinner and watched the Christmas light show! What a fun day!!