Thursday, October 31, 2013

Attracted to you

I go to a Moms group a couple times a month. They provide child care for the kids during the meeting. Lindley has never gone, but this week for her first time. Lilly and Lance were not very fond of the idea. They said she was too young and shouldn't go. Lilly asked me why she couldn't just stay with Mammaw. I explained that she probably could, but that she needed to be around other kids and that she would be ok. I explained that both Lilly and Lance had gone to Mary's when they were both younger. Lilly agreed, but just said she was too little. I finally asked her why she was having such a hard time with her going. She said, "Well, she's really attracted to you, Dad and me". (She meant attached). She said the same thing to mom and neither of us corrected her. Once I explained that she would be very close to me and they could call me if she had trouble she was ok, but they were both very concerned!! Lindley cried when I left her, but was fine when I picked her up. They said she played for a bit and then wanted to be held (sounds about right). She told her friends bye and the workers and seemed to enjoy it!!

I love how protective they are of her. She will always be taken care of by her big sister and big brother!!

Last game of the seaon

Monday night was Lance's last tee ball game of the season. Before the game he told Jeff that he was going to hit a home run. He had several good hits and then he went up for his last bat.....and guess what??? HE HIT A HOME RUN!!! It was the last hit of the game and the season!! He was SO PROUD!!!

He couldn't stop smiling! He was even talking about it the next day! So proud of him!!

Happy Halloween!!

We have been busy the past few days!! On Saturday the kids I went Trick-or-Treating in downtown Fairhope. Then we went to a Halloween Bash at 5 Rivers (think state park like), THEN went to Bass Pro!! Monday night was Lance's last tee ball game of the season (separate post for that) and today Lilly had a field trip, Lance's class Trick-or-Treated downtown and had lunch at the park, Lilly had a Halloween party and then we went Trick-or-Treating!!! GEEZ I'm worn out!!! We had a lot of fun though!!

Trick-or-Treating in downtown Fairhope. Lance noticed that his shadow looked like a real Transformer!! Lindley FOUGHT me to get her dress on and sat in the stroller for quite awhile. She finally got out and started figuring out what it was all about!!

5 Rivers!! There was a TON of stuff! Crafts, games, hayride! SO FUN!!
I have no pictures from today with the kids classes... I was either keeping kids in line or chasing them time for pictures!!

Happy Halloween!! (Lindley wasn't up for her dress again until Jeff mentioned candy! She even wore her hat for a few minutes)

Umm....I'd say he did pretty good!!

Not too bad!! She liked it when they handed the candy to her or she got to pick it out. If they put it in her bucket she would hold her hand out for more!

Lilly only did a few houses then went to help Mammaw hand out candy!! I think she ate about as much as she handed out!

Trying to calm down after a VERY busy and fun day!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Field Trip Fun!

Lance and I had a blast on his field trip to the corn maze this week. It was nice to spend time with just him.
He found the perfect pumpkin!!

He had a blast playing on the hay!

Seriously....he needs some of these!

Feeding the animals!

He loved it!

Shooting the corn cannon!

Racing ducks!

Will, Fisher and Lance....such sweet boys!

Hayride with my boy!!

A sweet group of kiddos!!

He was WORN out!! He caught a nap on the ride back!!
I'm so glad I can have a job and be there for my kids. Lately, I have been struggling with balancing our crazy schedules. Keep in mind that neither mine, nor Jeff's schedule is the same each week. For someone that is a person of routine I find this very difficult. However, it's what we need at this time in our lives in order to be the family we want to be. I just have to embrace the craziness!!

All better??

Well last weekend I thought we were all better so we ventured out some on Friday evening and Saturday.

Friday afternoon we headed out to the park for a bit!

then had pizza and watched a movie!

They were engrossed!

Saturday we headed to Michael's to make duct tape masks and find Lilly's Halloween costume

We came home and made our own masks!

Part of Lilly's costume!

Then had a bubble bath!!! It was a good day!
Then that night Lance woke up complaining of his belly hurting. He ended up vomiting twice. He slept with me and I made him relax Sunday morning. By lunch he was fine and back to himself.

Then on Thursday Lindley woke up and vomited and hardly ate all day. She vomited again in the evening. She seems to be a bit better today but is acting like her ear still hurts. She isn't running a fever and is still drinking. Although she is still not eating. She ate a bit more this evening and seemed to be getting back to normal. Here's to hoping that we are all better and stay better!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Virus, ear infection and strep oh my!!

WHAT A WEEK!! I was at the doctor's office 3 times in a week!! It started a week ago Thursday. Lindley woke with a low grade fever. It was running around 100-101. Not a big deal, but given her history with low blood count we have been told to go to the ER if she had a fever of 100.4 or higher. Her pediatrician had told me to call her first. So we called and she said to take her to get blood work then bring her in later that afternoon. Her count was GREAT and everything checked out good. So that meant a virus and we just needed to give it a few days.

She was so pathetic. Seriously laid like this for like 4 days. She barely got up and if she did it didn't last long.

This is what happens when you have a history of low neutrophil count. Notice the STAT?? I literally walked in the lab and went straight back to have her blood taken. No registration or sign in. They had the results quickly!

On Sunday night she kept hollering out and had pointed to her ear a few times. When she woke Monday and still had a fever (day 5) I knew we had to call the doctor back. So we went back in and sure enough she had developed an ear infection. Poor baby!!

As I standing in line at Wal-Mart to get her medicine I'm holding her and she turns her head and I see this! That is wax coming out of her ear!! YUCK!! Thank goodness we had already been to the doctor.

This was how she was on Monday....just so lethargic. I felt awful for her. No smiles or giggles.
Luckily the medicine in pretty quick and by Wednesday we had our girl back! However, Wednesday morning I had to leave for work early and Mom had to wake the kids and take them to school. She calls me as I am driving and Lilly woke with a sore throat and low temp. She actually had ended up sleeping in our room that night saying her throat hurt, but I thought it was just allergies. When I let her teacher know she told me strep was going around. Sure enough on Thursday I take her and she has it!! Three times in one week!!!
By Thursday Lindley was her old self for sure!! Little turd wouldn't let me take pics!

Having fun with brother....until she wouldn't stop knocking down his blocks and he left!

There's that cheesy grin!

Playing with Sisi. She sure likes them!!

Sweet girls!!

Luckily the doctor said Lilly could return to school today as long as she got enough doses of medicine in. Today was her AR goal cutoff and she was few points shy. She returned and was able to reach her goal!! GO LILLY! Everyone seems to be better! Fingers crossed we can enjoy and healthy fun weekend!

Birdfest, Movies and More!

Mom and I took the kids down to Birdfest this year. It fell on the weekend the hurricane was supposed to hit so the art and book festival got cancelled. We had a good time though and it was a beautiful day!!

Building her birdhouse. I have to say this cub scout was nice, but useless. It look forever....I finally had to step in help. I felt bad for him.

Working hard1

Lance decided to build a big one. He worked hard

Look at those skills!

So proud!!

We went to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2. SO GOOD! We had a great time!!

Lindley got to play with Mammaw.....where's Lindley?

There she is!!

Kindergarten is tough on this guy. Add teeball and he is really struggling! He likes school, but the whole 5 days a week all day is starting to set in!! A boy still needs to nap!! He is his father's son!!

A variety of things!!

WOW! No excuse...I've been busy, but geez...where is time going? I honestly do not know what happened to the first half of this month. Here's a recap...

Lance asked for these boxes and proceeded to spend at least and hour and half creating this boat with nothing more than scissors and scotch tape. He is pretty smart boy!

Helping me work! Such a good "helper"

Girls day!! Shopping with my girl and Mammaw!

Enjoying a walk with my family!! Lucky girl!

We started the countdown!! It's getting very exciting here!

Check out that jump shot!! Go Lance!! He is signed up for basketball this year! We shall see how that goes!

Up to no good while the other two sit quietly!