Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Odds and Ends

We haven't had a whole lot going on around here lately, but here's some odd and ends. (The things I was actually able to get a picture of.)

Lilly and I found some decorations for her room. We are hoping to start painting their bedrooms soon and she needed a theme. She chose BEACH!! Should be cute.

A little game of twister with Lindley right in the middle of it all!

Jeff painted the kid's bathroom!! It was BAD. The whole house needs it, but with tall ceilings we are trying to ease into it! It looks so much better!!

Lance decided to count to 100 the other morning....he is so random.

He literally finished counting and then went and did this. He wanted some beads from the top shelf....some things never change.

These two cheeseheads.....they are pretty good buddies she's going to miss him in the fall.

Lance got $5 from Grandma for his preschool graduation. He was so excited and can't wait to spend it!!

The kids have been driving me crazy saying they "Don't know what to do". So I came up with the jar with ideas in it. The catch is they draw two and have to pick one and do it for at least 30 minutes. They are learning it might be easier to figure something out on their own :-)

Jeff and Dad both worked on Mother's Day so Mom and I took the kids to lunch, but I forgot to have her get a picture so here it is!! Mother's day 2013!

Another one!

Ok so maybe there was a little more than I thought...gonna have to do another post....

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