Friday, May 3, 2013

It's the little things...

I had a dinner Tuesday evening. My company sent balloons for decorations. They weren't just any balloons though....they were HUGE!!!

I brought two home and you would have thought I gave them gold.
Lindley loves to play with Lance's trucks. The other day she was trying to fit this man into this gator. She was getting very frustrated, but kept trying. It was so sweet!

It has been raining on and off for several days. Wednesday night it rained hard and stormed most of the evening. Lilly had trouble sleeping and ended up in bed with me. Neither one of us slept well and I have been thinking about giving her a day off because she has only missed a couple days and has such a great year. It was still raining when it was time to get up so I just let her sleep. She didn't wake up till 9am!!! I asked if she wanted a day off and she said "YES"! We spent the day just relaxing and playing at home. It was good day and she enjoyed it!!
Tomorrow is Lance's preschool graduation! I CAN'T believe it.

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