Tuesday, May 14, 2013

200+ points!!!

Today was the finally AR (accelerated reader) program. Lilly was adamant she was going to get 100 points. After that she just kept going and going and going. Her teacher has allowed her to read and test as much as she would like which has been great. That led to her get over 200 points, which put her as the 2nd in her grade level!! Only one student had more points than her!!

We are so proud of her!!

She got recognized for 100, 125, 150, 175 and 200 points today. (They didn't have an April program).

Way to go Lilly!!

This was when she was only 1 of 2 students standing. She was very proud!!
I am so glad she loves to read!!

Lindley and Lance had a great time playing outside today. It was a beautiful day!!

Clean and shiny after her bath last night!

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