Saturday, May 19, 2012

Super Saturday

Today we just chilled around the house. I have end of the year work stuff I have swamped with so I worked most of the day. However, the kids played and had fun!! (Jeff is off)
Look at those cheeks....she's def eating good!!

I got her a playmat yesterday and when she gets tired of laying under it her bumbo is perfect for her to sit and play! So fun!!

Sprinkler fun! It was hilarious they kept trying to fill the cups up and it would fly right out of their hands!!

Pap worked his magic and got little miss to take a power nap for me!!

Funny story...the kids LOVE the ice cream truck (I may have mentioned that). So they were in the backyard finishing up playing in the sprinkler and the second Lilly heard the music she screamed, "LANCE!!!!!" (apparently she through her arms out as well..I didn't see that). Then they were frantic trying to get through the house to get out front. They act like he drives through going 50 MPH and they have to race to catch him. Lilly didn't know where her money was and was freaking out (I make them use their own money). Mammaw was kind enough to lend her the money!! He doesn't come through the week right now so they were asking about it this afternoon cause they knew he would probably come through today. It cracks me up, but I remember chasing down one at my Aunt Kacki's house when I was little. How lucky they get to do the same!!


Lance is running a low grade fever on and off again. Hoping it's just allergies/virus. Although several kids in his class were sick this week.

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