Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

I had a great mother's day! It started with cinnamon rolls and lots of gifts! We finished painting Lindley's room and then the girls and I headed out to do some shopping!! FUN DAY!!
Look at all these goodies!! They both made me things at school. Then Jeff took them last night to get the flowers, card, movie & treat!! (Sidenote: I was putting Lindley down in the bedroom w/the door closed when Jeff took them. He told them they were sneaking out and they totally believed him. When they came home I went back in & acted like I didn't even know they had left. They were about to burst!! Lance kept saying that they got me a surprise. Then this morning I asked when they got it & they giggled and told me they snuck out. PRICELESS!!)

Lilly did this at school. Isn't it beautiful??

and this!

Aren't my roses AMAZING?? I haven't had flowers in a long time.

My parents came by this evening and brought me a dress and hung out for a bit. All in all it was a great day!! I'm one lucky lady to have such a wonderful family!!

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