Monday, May 28, 2012

Landscaping again and more...

Yesterday we worked on the area in the back for the kids. Well, Jeff did most of it, but I did spread mulch!!
Before (this isn't the before, before...all the plants from the front were back here, but I forgot to get a picture so this is actually the after follow me??   :)

After! This kids house and toys will go here so they have their own space!

While we were finishing up the mulch the kids washed there house, which is actually needed. They had fun too!!

Jeff broke the grill out last night!!! He did hamburgers (which were amazing), corn on the cob and then he made homemade french fries. I made pasta salad. Lilly told Lance if the corn was hot to just pick it up like funny girl!

At some point Jeff looked at and saw this......

and this....when he went out Lance jumped off and before he even landed said, "Lilly did it too". They are in the tattle tale stage big time. LOL!

The kids cleaned, dusted and vacuumed their rooms before they got to outside and I cleaned bathrooms and our room, plus did laundry. Another fun and busy day!!

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