Saturday, May 5, 2012

Growing too fast

I knew once Lindley got here I would realize how Lilly and Lance were, but it really blows my mind how big Lance is getting. On Friday morning Jeff and Lindley were still asleep when I went to take Lilly to school so I put cartoons on for him. When I got back I asked him if he was ready for breakfast and he said, "I already ate". I said, "Daddy fixed you something". He said, "No, I got it myself". He had a poptart!! They get their snacks all the time and we have been working on letting them fix their lunch some, but it just cracked me up! So big!

He played on my computer for almost 2 hours on Thursday. He was doing so good and playing a variety of games. He asked Jeff for help a few times, but did really good!

He is learning to whistle!! THIS IS HUGE!! He is so excited. He has told me 100 times at least that he can whistle. On Friday he was in the kitchen playing w/his grill and he was whistling the whole time. It was so cute!

I don't know why I still think of him as my baby, but it blows my mind how smart he is!!

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