Saturday, May 5, 2012

Lindley's room

I have been trying to get the motivation to paint Lindley's room. I am ready to transition her to her bed, but wanted to paint before we put up the bed. So I finally decided to do it this weekend. I went light this time...much different than I'm used to but I think it's going to turn out cute. Of course Lilly and Lance wanted to help. Normally I am great about letting them, but between taking care of them and feeding her and Jeff having to go back to work, they didn't get to help much. However, I think I am going to let them paint a picture for her room.
So cute!!

Big girl using the roller!!

It is a light pink color. I am going to accent w/a darker pink. I got the light pink done,but forgot to take a picture. I'll post one tomorrow.

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