Monday, May 28, 2012

Beach bums

Mom wanted a picture of the kids (they were on their way home from Indiana). So I took a video (I may be slightly excited about my iphone and ability to send video) Anyway, here they are playing in the sand. I swear they are little beach bums and would stay all day if we could!!

Playing in the water with Daddy!

Look how big he is?? I can't get over what a little person he is becoming.

Heading back to the water...he was digging a big hole.

Working hard!

Not sure what she was busy doing...

We told them before we went we weren't staying long and they did great! Lance wanted an ice cream from the snack bar, but other than that there were no complaints! I think next time we will be able to stay a bit longer. We learned a few things, but no major issues.

It is still hard to believe that we are close enough to the beach to get up and go, spend a couple hours, eat lunch and be home by 2. We still had a day left! CRAZY!!!

Beach bums!!

Lindley's first trip to the beach went well! We only stayed a couple hours because we didn't want to push our luck. Everyone had fun and were very good!!

She chilled while we got things set up

Then I got her out and she had lots to say!

I fed her then made a little mound and propped her and she just had a big time!

Lots of grins!!

I had a little trouble getting her to go to sleep, but I nursed her for a minute and she was out!! Slept for about an hour! By the time she woke up we were getting ready to head home. I changed her and she went back to sleep on the way home!! (so did Lance and I).

Landscaping again and more...

Yesterday we worked on the area in the back for the kids. Well, Jeff did most of it, but I did spread mulch!!
Before (this isn't the before, before...all the plants from the front were back here, but I forgot to get a picture so this is actually the after follow me??   :)

After! This kids house and toys will go here so they have their own space!

While we were finishing up the mulch the kids washed there house, which is actually needed. They had fun too!!

Jeff broke the grill out last night!!! He did hamburgers (which were amazing), corn on the cob and then he made homemade french fries. I made pasta salad. Lilly told Lance if the corn was hot to just pick it up like funny girl!

At some point Jeff looked at and saw this......

and this....when he went out Lance jumped off and before he even landed said, "Lilly did it too". They are in the tattle tale stage big time. LOL!

The kids cleaned, dusted and vacuumed their rooms before they got to outside and I cleaned bathrooms and our room, plus did laundry. Another fun and busy day!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


We have wanted to make some changes to our landscaping for awhile. We didn't like the shrubs in the front so we decided to move some things from the back. We wanted to get rid of the landscaped area in the back to make room for the kids to play. We are crazy and decided to do it was CRAZY HOT!!!

Old ones ones going...



all done!


We didn't get the back done, but may work on it tomorrow!! All the kids cooperated for the most part. As tired as I am it was nice to get out there and get sweaty and dirty and get something accomplised. It's been a while since we could do that!!

Sleepover with Daddy!

Jeff decided he was going to have a movie night with Lilly and Lance and sleep in the living room last night. They were so excited!!
I only got pics of them setting up because I went and took a long bath and then laid in bed!!

They had a blast!! They watched two movies and stayed up WAY to late, but it was worth it because they thought it was great!

Tummy time!!

Lindley is doing good with tummy time. She will usually stay for a few minutes and is starting to use her legs to push as you will see in the second video.
Notice brother come in for a kiss. He LOVES to kiss her. He must kiss her a least 20 times a day!! She loves him too!!

Look at that face!!
She started out like she is in the first video and ended up like this. We were cracking up!! So strong...maybe the strongest of the three. We are in trouble!!

Last day of school!!

Friday was Lilly's last day of school. She had mixed feelings. Ready to not have to wake up, but really not ready to leave her teacher and friends. Hopefully we have a great teacher again next year!!
So precious! She was excited about her's her summer shirt!

They all signed the cute is that???

Her report card came  home and she did great again!! So proud of how great she adjusted to some many changes over the past year and a half. She is a wonderful little girl and I proud to be her Mommy!! I can't believe we have a 1st grader!!

Bathtime Fun!

Lindley is really starting to enjoy her baths. Her tongue cracks me up! She looks like a frog catching flies!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Growin' like a weed

So Lindley went to bed last nigth & woke up chunky! Well, not really but she is growing like crazy and is starting to get some meat on her bones!! I need to take a picture of her legs that aren't so skinny anymore.
If you look close you can see her hand holding on to her toy. She is really starting to grab at things and hang on. Her legs go constantly and she is starting to coo and babble more.

Just a swingin'

Lindley usually naps in her swing. I had her seat sitting up & her head fell forward and she slept like that!

Apparently for a while. Poor baby :(

Little helper

He begs to bring the trash can in, I know it won't last forever but I love that he is such a helper!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Super Saturday

Today we just chilled around the house. I have end of the year work stuff I have swamped with so I worked most of the day. However, the kids played and had fun!! (Jeff is off)
Look at those cheeks....she's def eating good!!

I got her a playmat yesterday and when she gets tired of laying under it her bumbo is perfect for her to sit and play! So fun!!

Sprinkler fun! It was hilarious they kept trying to fill the cups up and it would fly right out of their hands!!

Pap worked his magic and got little miss to take a power nap for me!!

Funny story...the kids LOVE the ice cream truck (I may have mentioned that). So they were in the backyard finishing up playing in the sprinkler and the second Lilly heard the music she screamed, "LANCE!!!!!" (apparently she through her arms out as well..I didn't see that). Then they were frantic trying to get through the house to get out front. They act like he drives through going 50 MPH and they have to race to catch him. Lilly didn't know where her money was and was freaking out (I make them use their own money). Mammaw was kind enough to lend her the money!! He doesn't come through the week right now so they were asking about it this afternoon cause they knew he would probably come through today. It cracks me up, but I remember chasing down one at my Aunt Kacki's house when I was little. How lucky they get to do the same!!


Lance is running a low grade fever on and off again. Hoping it's just allergies/virus. Although several kids in his class were sick this week.

Silly sleepers....

This was what I found one morning this week...

He seems to be joining our bed quite frequently lately....he was totally spread out. Notice Lindley in the background...

She was spread out too!

This was another morning....silly girl!!

Lindley 2 months

Lindley's two month check-up was Monday & I never got around to posting about it.

-1l lbs, 3 oz
-22 inches
-In the 50th percentile in weight & length
She had to get 3 shots in the leg & take one orally. She was not a happy camper!! Actually, she did pretty good. Only cried for a short bit. I had given her tylenol before her appointment so wasn't too grumpy. I think her legs were sore though cause the rest of the evening she would fuss if you squeezed them or pushed on them. This was what I got when I was trying to get a decent picture before bedtime....
The doctor told me to keep up the good work and she looked great!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lilly's kindergarten graduation

Lilly's graduation was ADORABLE!! They did such a good job! They went through the alphabet and said a phrase for each letter and sang a few songs in between. I didn't video the entire thing, because I was afraid I would run out of battery! However, I got all the songs and Lilly's part!! There are quite a
few, but they are great!!
Oh boy, we're singing our alphabet!!! Lilly is on the back row in front of the school. Look to right of "FES"....she's the one missing her front tooth!! (Sorry, it's shaky)
This is a song about colors!!! She is yellow!!
G is for goodbye...the goodbye song :(
A tooty tot, a tooty tot, a tooty ta ta.....I can't explain...just watched!!
The freeze song!
The number rock!!
V is vowel!!! (I guess I turned the camera?? Sorry, turn your head sideways!!!)
Days of the week!! She was standing at the beginning so I got a good shot of her!!
Our graduate!!

We are so proud of her. I would have never guessed that our quiet little Lilly would blossom so much this school year. She wasn't even nervous about saying her line!!
 We were blessed to have an amazing teacher.Lilly and Mrs. Pace! 
Lindley was all smiles!!

Their adorable cake!!

Lilly & Natalie before graduation!

My proud graduate!

Lilly & Madi...BFF's!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

I had a great mother's day! It started with cinnamon rolls and lots of gifts! We finished painting Lindley's room and then the girls and I headed out to do some shopping!! FUN DAY!!
Look at all these goodies!! They both made me things at school. Then Jeff took them last night to get the flowers, card, movie & treat!! (Sidenote: I was putting Lindley down in the bedroom w/the door closed when Jeff took them. He told them they were sneaking out and they totally believed him. When they came home I went back in & acted like I didn't even know they had left. They were about to burst!! Lance kept saying that they got me a surprise. Then this morning I asked when they got it & they giggled and told me they snuck out. PRICELESS!!)

Lilly did this at school. Isn't it beautiful??

and this!

Aren't my roses AMAZING?? I haven't had flowers in a long time.

My parents came by this evening and brought me a dress and hung out for a bit. All in all it was a great day!! I'm one lucky lady to have such a wonderful family!!