Monday, December 5, 2011

Update on Lindley Claire

Most of you have heard by now that we have discovered some complications with Lindley. We had a routine ultrasound on Friday (if you recall she wouldn't cooperate during the initial ultrasound & they couldn't get a good pic of her heart). Anyway, the tech checked everything out & then said she was going to get the dr. to come look with her. They came in & looked together, then stated that there appeared to be a mass next to her heart, between it & her lung. They really couldn't say anything else because they had nothing to compare it to (due to the lack of pictures from the initial ultrasound) & the fact that the image just isn't that clear on an ultrasound. So she referred us to a high-risk dr. That appointment was this morning.

Today the ultrasound tech & the dr both were in the room & discussing what they saw as the tech did the ultrasound. Then the dr. took over & looked some more. Once they felt they had seen everything the dr. explained to us that he didn't see a mass, but that Lindley's heart was shifted (basically it isn't where it is supposed to be). In addition he saw some extra fluid around her heart. He went on to explain that there are several things it could be, but due to the fact that he saw good lung tissue he felt like it wasn't those things.

He did mention an issue with the development of her diaphragm called diaphragmatic hernia, which could mean anything from a small hole to a much larger problem. Basically the diaphragm separates the upper & lower cavities & without that organs tend to shift. However, at this point he didn't know for sure because it appeared her other organs were where they should be. Again, an ultrasound image isn't very good for that because things are basically grey unless it's fluid.

So he wants an MRI & ECHO (to have a cardiologist check the fluid around the heart). Then we will meet with him again at which point he will hopefully know what exactly is going on & we can make a plan. Jeff & I both really liked him (his name is Dr. Lewis) & he was very honest & up front. He also gave us plenty of time to ask questions & answered what he could based on what he knew. At this point based on what he could see he feels like the prognosis is good. However, that can always change in an instant.

The MRI required an insurance pre-certification & the nurse said she should have that tomorrow. Then she will schedule it & the ECHO. Once I have them scheduled I will make another appt with Dr. Lewis.

I would like to note that strangely enough there was a baby born (from a woman in Fairhope)a week ago today that had some issues(the baby actually had a mass), but she went to Dr. Lewis as well & I have emailed with her & have her contact information. She was very kind & has offered to help in any way she can.

We both feel better after talking with Dr. Lewis & are trying to stay positive. The hardest part right now is the waiting & still not knowing exactly what we are faced with.

All thoughts & prayers are needed & appreciated. We are lucky to have such wonderful family & friends in our lives to help support us. We will be sure to keep everyone up to date.

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