Monday, December 12, 2011

4-D ultrasound

Today we actually had a FUN dr. appt. We had our 4-D ultrasound!! We've had it scheduled for awhile so decided to go ahead and keep it. We've seen her a lot, but not in 4-D!! She is BEAUTIFUL (of course) and resembles her siblings (of course). However, we think she favors Lance more than Lilly. We looked at one pic I have in their scrapbooks, but I need to pull them all out to compare. She has a double chin, chubby cheeks & adorable little hands!! In other words... SHE'S PERFECT!!

Check out that little grin!!

Perfect little face!!!

Another grin, she's sticking out her tongue!

Big foot!!

Ankle and leg!

Big yawn!

Gangster sign!!

 Precious little fingers!

Chubby cheeks!!

Another one with those chubby cheeks!!

It was so nice to just look at her & not be concerned with what the dr. was going to say. Clearly, reality is reality, but it was a nice break. Regardless of what the future holds, she is PERFECT and PRECIOUS and we can't wait to meet her!!!!


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