Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Healthy & happy!

We had our appt with my regular dr yesterday. She went over the ECHO report with us, which was written up pretty much as we had discussed with the cardiologist. The dr. said that we were right to be confused & that the reason that everyone is telling us something different is because it is difficult to say for sure at this point. She said that the fact that they have to go through me, the placenta and then Lindley's skin plus the fact that she is little (in general, not abnormally...she's growing great) it's just hard to know for sure what they see. In addition if she is in a different position each time that can make a difference as well. She said that as she grows we may get a better idea, but it may just be that we have to wait until she gets here. She did say that the one thing EVERYONE has said is that Lindley is HEALTHY!! So while we would like a nice neat diagnosis with all the answers it just doesn't seem we are getting that at this point. However, Lindley will be monitored closely & if anything changes we will be aware of it.

We both feel much better. We just wanted to make sure we were understanding everything we were being told & that we were taking all the appropriate precautions. We will continue to seek clarity but are comfortable with the fact that Lindley is healthy & being monitored closely!

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