Sunday, December 11, 2011

ECHO & consult w/cardiologist

Friday morning we had the ECHO & then got to meet with the pediatric cardiologist. She came in literally scratching her head saying,"You've got me confused". She first explained that Lindley's heart is healthy. She sees no defects or heart disease. However, she stated that while her heart was not quite in the right spot it was actually a mirror image of what it should be & her aorta appears to have a right arch & go down on the right (instead of the left). In addition, her stomach is on the wrong side!! So yet again we still don't have answers. However, we talked with her for awhile & she had pulled up the MRI images (the report was not written yet). She said that once that report was done she felt like all the doctors involved would be discussing this. Overall, she said, "everything appears to be there & working properly & she is healthy, but nothing looks quite right". I am supposed to get a copy of the MRI emailed to me so hopefully I will get that tomorrow. Our next appointment is with the high risk ob on Thursday afternoon. Hopefully by then he will have some answers!! Although we still didn't get a clear answer we both felt MUCH better after speaking with the cardiologist. We know there are still questions & probably many obstacles, but we are relieved there is no mass and no heart defects or disease.

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