Friday, July 15, 2011

We have a surprise for you....

As most of you know we are expecting #3 in March of next year!! We are VERY excited!! Jeff & I found out on Monday, but were trying to decided when to tell everyone. It is still very early so we thought it might be a good idea to wait. However, after thinking about it we realized we were too excited & we want our family to share in our joy!!

So we finally told the kids Wednesday afternoon. It was an interesting conversation. We have talked about this in the past just to get their thoughts. They both have been in favor of a sibling so we knew they would be excited.

Initially, Lance wasn't getting it. Jeff said something along the lines of "we have a surprise for you but you have to wait 9 months for it". Then said something about it being in my belly or something. Lilly leaned over & whispered "baby" in Lance's ear. We finally told them that we were going to have a baby. They both were like "ok" & started to get up & walk away. We called them back & talked to them a little bit.

I can't remember everything but here are a few things I want to remember
  • Of course, she wants a girl, he wants a boy.
  • Lilly immediately said, "we have to name it".
  • Lance wants to name it "Jason"
  • Lance said it could use his stroller
  • At one point Lance said we should have one of each like Tiffy.....
  • Lilly can still remember me pregnant with Lance. However, Lance clearly can't so we got out his baby scrapbook & showed him pics.
  • There was much discussion of exactly how little it would be.
  • They both thought it could sleep in Lilly's baby's crib!!
  • They both talked to my belly right away. Lance said, "hello baby, where are you?"
All in all they were SUPER excited & couldn't wait to share the news. They have both made comments here & there since then & it's all positive. I know that Lilly will adjust great. She is a WONDERFUL big sister & such a motherly child. I think Lance will be a GREAT big brother, but will struggle more with sharing me. He has become quite a momma's boy in the past months. However, I am hoping school will help that.

I snapped a few pics during the conversation.....
I think this is when they are realizing what we were telling them.


Telling us something very important I'm sure!!

I think this is when he is telling us that he wants to name it "Jason"

IDK?? Something important though!!

My first dr. appointment will be the 25th & we should have a better idea of due date (right now we thinking very close to Lance's bday)!


Just a little note....yes, this baby was planned (as were the other two). We have always wanted more than 2, but life got in the way over the past few years. We are happy to say that while we know it won't be easy, we feel we are ready to face the challenge!!
We are feeling very blessed & excited for this journey!

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