Saturday, July 16, 2011

Super Saturday!

So we got started early toda & had a BIG day!! First thing this morning we headed out & I got my hair cut (just a trim) The kids were GREAT!! Next, we headed to Michael's (craft store), they were doing a free craft. The each got to make a crown!! Lunch was next....chick-fil-a of course!!

Barnes & Noble was having a story time & I had mentioned it to them, but we got done early & had quite awhile. I asked if they wanted to head on home or run in Old Navy & then go to story time. Lilly was up for Old Navy, Lance wasn't too excited, but agreed. I am so GLAD we went.

They were having a sale & I found some school pants for Lilly. We also found each of them a pair of shoes, lunchboxes & Lilly a backpack. I AM SO HAPPY....we are pretty much finished with school shopping. I want to get Lance a couple outfits, but that isn't a must. I will have supplies for him &  probably a few more for her, but the BULK of it is DONE!!!  I saved almost $35 today & I was super happy with everything (her pants ended up being like $9.50 a piece for dress pants, WHOHOO)!!!!

We finished with storytime at Barnes & Noble, which wasn't anything exciting but they got to play with the train station & read some books. It was something different & Lance cried when it was time to leave!!

We came home in time to tell Jeff bye & crash. We were all worn out!!! After some rest they started playing blocks. It's funny because they got their blocks out at Mom & Dads the other day & it was like they forgot they had them!! I love when they do that. It has occupied them the past several nights for 45 minutes or so!!

Prince Lance

Princess Lilly

Sorry for the long post, but I was super happy about our day!!!

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