Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Terrific Tuesday!!

Today I got up & took the kids to the skating rink. We haven't been all summer & Lilly has been asking to go. We headed home had lunch & the kids played for a bit. After a quick ice cream run we sat down to watch a movie as the rain was heading in. Of course Jeff & Lance both fell asleep so Lilly & I enjoyed some girl time. I painted her nails, curled her hair & did her make-up. She is becoming quite the little diva!! After we had a quick dinner we went to Wal-Mart as a family!! This is not something we do very often, but on occassion I get brave! Everyone did well, although we ALWAYS spend more when we all go. Came home & cleaned their bedroom, then settled down for another movie!! All in all it was a GREAT family day!!
There was a match at some point this afternoon....turned into a pillow fight.
They had a blast!!

Look at his determination

Lilly got into it as well!!

tag team!!

This went on for at least 20 minutes. Lance cried at least 3 times. We decided it's his defense. He cries to get you to stop then comes back at you!!

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