Monday, July 4, 2011

~Happy 4th of July~

Tonight we went down to the Fairhope Pier for the fireworks. We went to these last year, it was the weekend we got here. (This weekend marks Jeff's 1 year in Alabama!!! Crazy how time flies!!) We went a litle early & walked around and got some yummy treats!! The kids were so excited & did great!!
Our view for the show!

Yummy snowcone!!


Mammaw & Pappaw enjoyin a funnel cake!


Check out those lips!!
Funny face!!

Chillin'....waiting for the show!!


Enjoying the fireworks!

Check out those feet & arms. He is chillaxin'

The kids were SO good. We walked a lot and neither of them complained. We had to wait a bit for the show & they were very patient. Lance was starting to get antsy right before the finale, but did great!! So proud of my kiddos!!

~Happy 4th of July~

1 comment:

Julie said...

Love the funny face picture!