Saturday, July 9, 2011

A lazy Saturday

The kids & I were very lazy today!!  We laid in our bed until 10 & watched cartoons. We finally got up & didn't do much of anything. The kids played a little, but we mostly just hung out & chilled. After lunch we watched some more cartoons & Lance ended up falling a sleep in my lap. I finally got up & we headed to Walmart around 4. The kids got some movies from redbox, we picked up some of Lilly's school supplies then browsed the toy aisles!! We grabbed some candy for movie night then headed back home. After a dinner of pancakes we started movie night!! First up was Barbie (Lilly's choice). They ate their snacks (popcorn, candy, popsicles) & enjoyed the show. Daddy got home just as we were finishing the movie so they visited with him. We started Lance's movie, but neither of them really liked it so we ended up coloring before bed. It was a nice laid back day. As much as they wanted to swim I think they enjoyed it.


Nothing like coloring with new markers & crayons!!

Yummy snacks!!

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