Monday, July 25, 2011

~6 weeks~

I had my first dr. appt today. Here's the run down....
  • We officially have a grain of rice with a heartbeat!
  • Heartbeat was about 132 which is great!!
  • She did an ultrasound to confirm how far along I am (right at 6 weeks).
  • Due date is March 14th, which is about what I was thinking.
  • There is only 1 baby in there (many of you were wishing multiples on us)
  • She gave me meds for the nausea so hopefully that will help.
Everything looks good & I go back in about 5 weeks!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My kids...


I haven't exactly been at the top of my game this past week. They have been real troopers & hung right in there. They haven't complained that we haven't done much & they have kept their fighting to a minimum. Thanks for making my job a little easier kiddos!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

And so it begins....

I have been fighting it most of the week, but yesterday I finally was "hit" with morning sickness. My stomach has been weird for about a week, but I was still managing to eat pretty normal. Yesterday I just couldn't really get over it. Logically I know I just need to eat but nothing sounds good. Have you ever had to force feed yourself?? It's not fun. I did better today, but still haven't felt great. I go to the doc. Monday so I am hoping I can get some medicine & just nip it in the bud. I know it won't last forever, I just don't want it to ruin our trip home!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hadley Faye

I never properly introduced Ms. Hadley. This is my cousin's daughter (Allyson). Prior to this week we haven't had the pleasure of meeting her. This afternoon they came over to visit. The weather was ok, but I wasn't feeling up to swimming so Hadley & I got to cuddle while the others went swimming!!! I had no problem letting her curl up on my belly & nap!! She woke up right before they left & the kids got to visit with her a bit.
bad dreams??

I did put her down for a few...

He was pretty gentle with her. He wanted to make sure she had her all times!

Look how big Lilly looks??


There he her that paci!!

They leave tomorrow, but luckily we will get to see them again next week!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

1 week!!

This time next week we will be on the road!!! We are all very excited!

 Lori, Ally & Hadley made it to Alabama yesterday morning. We went to Moms & got to meet Miss Hadley!! She is precious!!! They headed to the beach for a few days, but we will get to visit again before the head back. I am happy to report that BOTH kids did GREAT. Granted it was only a couple of hours, but they were both very gentle with Hadley & thought she was just adorable. At one point she was asleep on the bed & started to wake up. Lance must have said, "the baby is awake" 6 times. Ally said he ran up to her & pointed saying it!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Super Saturday!

So we got started early toda & had a BIG day!! First thing this morning we headed out & I got my hair cut (just a trim) The kids were GREAT!! Next, we headed to Michael's (craft store), they were doing a free craft. The each got to make a crown!! Lunch was next....chick-fil-a of course!!

Barnes & Noble was having a story time & I had mentioned it to them, but we got done early & had quite awhile. I asked if they wanted to head on home or run in Old Navy & then go to story time. Lilly was up for Old Navy, Lance wasn't too excited, but agreed. I am so GLAD we went.

They were having a sale & I found some school pants for Lilly. We also found each of them a pair of shoes, lunchboxes & Lilly a backpack. I AM SO HAPPY....we are pretty much finished with school shopping. I want to get Lance a couple outfits, but that isn't a must. I will have supplies for him &  probably a few more for her, but the BULK of it is DONE!!!  I saved almost $35 today & I was super happy with everything (her pants ended up being like $9.50 a piece for dress pants, WHOHOO)!!!!

We finished with storytime at Barnes & Noble, which wasn't anything exciting but they got to play with the train station & read some books. It was something different & Lance cried when it was time to leave!!

We came home in time to tell Jeff bye & crash. We were all worn out!!! After some rest they started playing blocks. It's funny because they got their blocks out at Mom & Dads the other day & it was like they forgot they had them!! I love when they do that. It has occupied them the past several nights for 45 minutes or so!!

Prince Lance

Princess Lilly

Sorry for the long post, but I was super happy about our day!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

We have a surprise for you....

As most of you know we are expecting #3 in March of next year!! We are VERY excited!! Jeff & I found out on Monday, but were trying to decided when to tell everyone. It is still very early so we thought it might be a good idea to wait. However, after thinking about it we realized we were too excited & we want our family to share in our joy!!

So we finally told the kids Wednesday afternoon. It was an interesting conversation. We have talked about this in the past just to get their thoughts. They both have been in favor of a sibling so we knew they would be excited.

Initially, Lance wasn't getting it. Jeff said something along the lines of "we have a surprise for you but you have to wait 9 months for it". Then said something about it being in my belly or something. Lilly leaned over & whispered "baby" in Lance's ear. We finally told them that we were going to have a baby. They both were like "ok" & started to get up & walk away. We called them back & talked to them a little bit.

I can't remember everything but here are a few things I want to remember
  • Of course, she wants a girl, he wants a boy.
  • Lilly immediately said, "we have to name it".
  • Lance wants to name it "Jason"
  • Lance said it could use his stroller
  • At one point Lance said we should have one of each like Tiffy.....
  • Lilly can still remember me pregnant with Lance. However, Lance clearly can't so we got out his baby scrapbook & showed him pics.
  • There was much discussion of exactly how little it would be.
  • They both thought it could sleep in Lilly's baby's crib!!
  • They both talked to my belly right away. Lance said, "hello baby, where are you?"
All in all they were SUPER excited & couldn't wait to share the news. They have both made comments here & there since then & it's all positive. I know that Lilly will adjust great. She is a WONDERFUL big sister & such a motherly child. I think Lance will be a GREAT big brother, but will struggle more with sharing me. He has become quite a momma's boy in the past months. However, I am hoping school will help that.

I snapped a few pics during the conversation.....
I think this is when they are realizing what we were telling them.


Telling us something very important I'm sure!!

I think this is when he is telling us that he wants to name it "Jason"

IDK?? Something important though!!

My first dr. appointment will be the 25th & we should have a better idea of due date (right now we thinking very close to Lance's bday)!


Just a little note....yes, this baby was planned (as were the other two). We have always wanted more than 2, but life got in the way over the past few years. We are happy to say that while we know it won't be easy, we feel we are ready to face the challenge!!
We are feeling very blessed & excited for this journey!

Park play!

This afternoon after Jeff left for work the kids & I headed down to the pier to play. We took the soccer & football, but they mostly just played in the dirt!!
We had to stop & check out the fountain.

It was a little bright!

It had been cloudy most of the day. The sun starting peeking out right after we got there. Look close & you can see it in the back starting to shine!!

There is that beautiful sunshine!!

They played on this rock forever!!

There was a little soccer!!

Almost forgot Lilly's senior pic pose!! LOL, I didn't even request this...she just said, "Hey mom" I turn around & this is what I see!! CRACKED ME UP!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Terrific Tuesday!!

Today I got up & took the kids to the skating rink. We haven't been all summer & Lilly has been asking to go. We headed home had lunch & the kids played for a bit. After a quick ice cream run we sat down to watch a movie as the rain was heading in. Of course Jeff & Lance both fell asleep so Lilly & I enjoyed some girl time. I painted her nails, curled her hair & did her make-up. She is becoming quite the little diva!! After we had a quick dinner we went to Wal-Mart as a family!! This is not something we do very often, but on occassion I get brave! Everyone did well, although we ALWAYS spend more when we all go. Came home & cleaned their bedroom, then settled down for another movie!! All in all it was a GREAT family day!!
There was a match at some point this afternoon....turned into a pillow fight.
They had a blast!!

Look at his determination

Lilly got into it as well!!

tag team!!

This went on for at least 20 minutes. Lance cried at least 3 times. We decided it's his defense. He cries to get you to stop then comes back at you!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I am having trouble finding pants for Lilly for school....this is part of the reason....
She is getting longer, but not wider.......


Well, the kids and I tried another church today. I have been pondering it for awhile. I decided to stop thinking and just give it a try. The kids were on the fence. I told them if they would just give it a try and not cry or get upset I would take them to the McDonald's with the treehouse. (They have been BEGGING to go forever). They agreed. So off we went!
We got there & found their classrooms. I got Lance signed in & he took right off. There wasn't even any kids in his class yet, but the teacher asked if he wanted to play blocks and he was sold!!! Then I took Lilly to hers. There was a few kids heading in so I got her signed in & off she went!!
The service was good. They had a band & it was a little more contemporary than I am used to but I enjoyed it. The music was good & was not over used.
After the service I went to get Lance first. When he saw me he just smiled & waved. As he came out I asked the teacher how he did. She said, "He is a very bright little boy". Not sure what she meant, but I guess that's good!! Although who knows what he told her. He is a good story teller!! She then went on to say that he shared and even picked up toys without being asked. Now believe you me.....I about passed out!! WHAT?!? My son??? Regardless, I was VERY proud of him. There were only 2 other kids (1 boy & 1 girl). He said that the boy was Ethan, but couldn't remember the grills (girls) name!!
Next was Lilly. She was sitting at the table coloring & was happy to see us. I asked her teacher how she did. She said she did great. I asked if she talked & she said not much.
As we walked out & got in the car we discussed what they learned about & they were both excited to tell me. (Daniel & the Lions Den) They said they enjoyed it & want to go back!! I think we will go back for sure.
Of course, we had to drive 20 minutes to the treehouse Mickey D's, but they deserved it!!! They had a blast playing even though it was HOT!!!
We got home & went for a swim and then spent the rest of the evening chilling!! Jeff is off for 4 days....then it's back to nights :(

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Where are Lance's shorts?

You may have noticed that most of the time Lance isn't wearing shorts (& often not a shirt). You may wonder why. I do dress him....well most days. Although he does sleep in only underwear so days like today he was literally in only underwear until about 3:30. However, there is an explanation. Even on the days I do dress him usually this is what happens......

Those would be his to the toliet. He goes to the bathroom & they never make it back on. I hope that he realizes when he starts school in the fall he will have to wear pants!!!

A lazy Saturday

The kids & I were very lazy today!!  We laid in our bed until 10 & watched cartoons. We finally got up & didn't do much of anything. The kids played a little, but we mostly just hung out & chilled. After lunch we watched some more cartoons & Lance ended up falling a sleep in my lap. I finally got up & we headed to Walmart around 4. The kids got some movies from redbox, we picked up some of Lilly's school supplies then browsed the toy aisles!! We grabbed some candy for movie night then headed back home. After a dinner of pancakes we started movie night!! First up was Barbie (Lilly's choice). They ate their snacks (popcorn, candy, popsicles) & enjoyed the show. Daddy got home just as we were finishing the movie so they visited with him. We started Lance's movie, but neither of them really liked it so we ended up coloring before bed. It was a nice laid back day. As much as they wanted to swim I think they enjoyed it.


Nothing like coloring with new markers & crayons!!

Yummy snacks!!

More cows!!

I forgot to post these last night....they are more from our adventure at chick fila
Lilly the cow!! Lance wouldn't let me take one of him.


Good stuff!!


They do like each other!

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Monday, July 4, 2011

~Happy 4th of July~

Tonight we went down to the Fairhope Pier for the fireworks. We went to these last year, it was the weekend we got here. (This weekend marks Jeff's 1 year in Alabama!!! Crazy how time flies!!) We went a litle early & walked around and got some yummy treats!! The kids were so excited & did great!!
Our view for the show!

Yummy snowcone!!


Mammaw & Pappaw enjoyin a funnel cake!


Check out those lips!!
Funny face!!

Chillin'....waiting for the show!!


Enjoying the fireworks!

Check out those feet & arms. He is chillaxin'

The kids were SO good. We walked a lot and neither of them complained. We had to wait a bit for the show & they were very patient. Lance was starting to get antsy right before the finale, but did great!! So proud of my kiddos!!

~Happy 4th of July~