Monday, April 4, 2011

Lance's 3 year pics!!!

I had Lance's pics scheduled for Wednesday, but they called this morning & wanted to reschedule....for this afternoon. He did pretty good. He didn't get his nap out & was pretty quiet at first. He is currently in the fake smile's hard to get his "real" smile but she managed to. She put a cowboy hat on him & I ended up getting a few of them....I know...not like me at all, but they were pretty adorable!!! Anyway, you can view them online You may have to sign in as me.

My email is
Password is jeffrey1

I have ordered plenty so don't worry about that...just take a look if you want to see them early. I will get them next week & then I will mail them out!!! You will be happy (Grandma & Uncle Cam) to know that I originally planned on trimming his hair before pics, but realized that it is so much of his personality that I needed to leave it. I am SO glad I did!! It really is adorable...I just hate how hot he gets.

It's funny because you can really see his scar in some of them....I wonder if we will always see it??

Happy Monday!!


Unknown said...

Adorable is simply an understatement!

Courtney said...