Friday, April 8, 2011


I have to document Lance's current favorite sayings.....

You may remember a while ago he started with jamo's (pajamas)....well that has expanded. We now have on occassion....
Sis-o (Lilly)
blank-o (blanket)
pac-o (paci)

In addition...
wash down (car wash)
holder cup (cup holder)
fiveteen (fifteen)

There are many more I am sure, but this is just off the top of my head. He is in the question phase & asks a ton of questions (even ones he knows the answer to or that he has asked 2 minutes earlier). He also likes to tell stories. Last night he said to Jeff, "Dad, I have to tell you something". That is another favorite!! He is just a chatty boy. This morning while making our lunch I had to kick him out of the kitchen because he was driving me crazy with questions.

He can still go from loving on you to screaming at you in a split second. Love my little wild man!!

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